View Full Version : Potential for diversion?

08-07-2010, 03:49 PM
I am sure most will agree that we are living in interesting times. It seems that the times stand to become substantially more so, perhaps sooner than later.

Consider that the American people have been dutifully asleep for at least 40 years. It has actually been a whole lot longer than that, but let us leave it at this. Since 9/11 the party has become increasingly strained and uncomfortable, yet until late 2008 many of us were still content to believe that everything would work out fine in the end and kept going about our lives in the usual manner, believing the usual things, more or less. With the wholesale face plant came a change in the minds and attitudes of a significant number of Americans who, for some odd reason, suddenly decided that the same old beliefs no longer held - perhaps they never did. As a result, I have witnessed in many people a notable change in attitude towards their lives, their places in the world, the "government", and their freedom.

This change has precipitated a great menu of alterations in what I see in those around me - some large, some small, but all of them indicating a seemingly new found and growing bias against government carte blanche, abuse, and usurpation. This bias has grown with what appears to be the increasing interest in understanding "government", its roles, its limitations, and perhaps most importantly the mechanisms by which the people reserve the right to rein in those who would enslave us against our will. I cannot say whether the elite ever anticipated this reawakening of Joe Average, but I do believe that it poses a clear and present threat to their positions of power over us.

Add to all of this the apparent fact that the elite are quite serious about their agenda - of attaining their goals whatever they may be, and that those goals are probably nothing that any freedom-loving individual is going to find particularly pleasing for himself. We can readily see that there are two camps, roughly speaking, whose interests appear to lie in diametric opposition to each other in a game where the stakes are very high, and probably include a whole lot of life and death struggle at the core of it.

Given this, and further given the reasonable assumption that the elite are not likely to graciously accept the will of the people when it lies against their own interests, and given further still that a political event of major significance is nigh upon us (elections) and that there may result what for them would be an undesireable result, what is the likelihood that a major diversionary event will occur some time before that event? Are we scheduled for another 9/11? Something worse?