View Full Version : FEC Report Highlights: John McCain's Campaign Is Virtually Bankrupt

10-16-2007, 06:36 AM
FEC Report Highlights: John McCain's Campaign Is Virtually Bankrupt (http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2007/10/fec_report_highlights_john_mcc_1.php)


Fumes: His campaign reported $3.4M on hand with a debt of $1.7M. But it also reported raising a total of $1.8M toward the general election.
That means that McCain's campaign has no cash on hand -- in fact, even with the general election money factored in, it owes about $94,000. It is, in other words, bankrupt.
Its $1.7M debt, incidentally, comes from rent that is owed, an American Express bill that is overdue, and finance payments on computers.
Spending limits: The McCain campaign reports that it has spent $288,000 toward Iowa's spending limit, $234,000 to New Hampshire's spending limit and $230,000 toward South Carolina's spending limit.
The Bills Are Settled: John Weaver, the former chief strategist for McCain, received $22,000 from the campaign after he quit.
Fly Commercial: Gone this quarter: expensive charter rentals. In: dozens of flights on commercial airlines, stays in Best Westerns, Days Inn, Embassy Suites and the Oceanview Terrace Motel in Shinnecock Hills, New York.

10-16-2007, 06:38 AM
This is so fantastic. We might be able to pick up a few of his supporters, I hope.

10-16-2007, 06:54 AM
He was our only competition for military donations.