View Full Version : Obama Eligibility challenger: Bring on the evidence

07-30-2010, 02:43 AM

A decorated Army officer who faces the possibility of years in jail because he refused orders from the military chain of command under President Obama, citing the president's refusal to prove his authority to issue orders, is asking to see evidence that Obama is eligible for the Oval Office.

But now Lakin, who is aided by the Safeguard our Constitution website, is asking for a deposition in Hawaii with the records-keeper of the Hawaii Department of Health – and the production of all of the state's records concerning Obama.


07-30-2010, 03:01 AM
This is going to be the case that cracks the nut or exposes the fraud. We know the definition of natural born does not include dual citizenship. We know this because the founders did not trust people in the colonies loyal to the crown.

This case is criminal and the defense has a right to discovery. There is no wiggle room. If they dismiss it completely we know it's a fraud. If they deny the defense discovery we know it's a fraud. I am inclined to believe they will deny the defense discovery and send this officer to a cage to silence him. I am also inclined to think they will play the we are going to do whatever we want to do and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it card.