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07-28-2010, 06:54 PM
RPFs Action Agenda for AUGUST 2010 - Pending Legislation for Congress

Want something to do to help Liberty?

Pending Legislation
- Priority Level: H = High; M = Medium; L = Low; O = Ongoing

Click the links below to Email your Representatives.

Priority H: Oppose S. 649— Help Stop Government Control of Wireless Communications (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=22411)

The Radio Spectrum Inventory Act, H.R. 3125, passed the House by a 394-18 vote in April. The companion bill for the Senate, S. 649, was placed on the Senate Legislative calendar under general orders on March 9, but can come to the floor for discussion at any time. Let your senators immediately know that you are not in favor of a government takeover or nationalization of the radio spectrum via S. 649.

Priority H: Support H.R. 4972, “To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”; Force the House to Vote on Repealing ObamaCare (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=22401)

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) introduced H.R. 4972, “To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” The bill reads: “Effective as of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ObamaCare], such Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted.” Rep. King has taken that further step to keep the pressure on Congress to repeal ObamaCare by introducing a “discharge petition,” otherwise known as a “Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a resolution.” If 218 members of the House can be persuaded to sign this petition, then this bill would bypass any committee action or House leadership vetoes and be sent to the House floor for a vote. As of July 2, 109 representatives have signed the discharge petition. If your representative is not one of them, contact him or her now and request that they sign Rep. King’s discharge petition to force a vote on repealing ObamaCare.

Priority H: Stop the New START Treaty (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=22374)

On April 8, 2010, in Prague, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dimitry Medvedev signed the New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) Treaty, the latest installment in a long series of disarmament treaties between the United States and Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) that began in 1961. It must be ratified by 67 U.S. senators, and the Russian Parliament, of course, in order to take effect. The Obama Administration and top brass in the military are in favor of quick ratification. On June 28 the New York Post reported that some senators asked for the negotiating record for START but that their request has been denied by the Obama Administration. After the June 17 Senate hearings on New Start, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) said: “I said this when the Treaty was signed in April and my sentiments remain the same: I remain concerned about several critical pieces of this security treaty: modernization, force structure, missile defense, verification and most importantly, our overall ability to deter our enemies.”


Stop the New START Treaty

Priority H: Resist Amnesty for Illegals by Executive Order (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=22339)

President Obama may soon instruct DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to provide amnesty for millions and millions of illegal aliens, using deferred action or a parole process via an executive order. Eight U.S. senators — Grassley, Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-La.), Bunning (R-Ky.), Chambliss (R-Ga.), Isakson (R-Ga.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), and Cochran (R-Miss.) — sent a letter to Obama objecting to any such action. Contact your representative and senators to tell them you consider that allowing a president to legislate an entire nation’s immigration policy is a dereliction of congressional duty. Ask them to uphold the Constitution in this matter by resisting and rejecting any such Executive Order and DHS implementation so as to retain our representational form of government.

Priority H: Oppose S. 2820 and H.R. 2159, the Newest Attack on Second Amendment (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=21993)

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) has introduced S. 2820, the PROTECT Act of 2009 “Preserving Records of Terrorist & Criminal Transactions Act” and S. 1317, the “Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act,” while Rep. Peter King (R- N.Y.) has a matching version in the House, H.R. 2159. Billed as an “anti-terrorist” measure by the authors, the details of S. 1317 and its companion bill H.R. 2159 would allow the Attorney General of the United States to deny the purchase of a firearm to anyone on the “terrorist watch list,” which could be done without due process of law and without the accused knowing any details of possible suspicion. Contact your representative and senators about all three pieces of proposed legislation, S. 1317, H.R. 2159, and S. 2820, and let them know you adamantly oppose any and all attempts to restrict gun ownership through various unconstitutional strategies.

Priority H: Oppose H.R. 4812, the Local Jobs for America Act (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=21842)

The Local Jobs for America Act, H.R. 4812, is a specialized, narrowly focused piece of legislation that would prop up local unionized government jobs at the expense of the American worker. No wage or salary cuts nor cuts to cushy benefits need to be taken according to the House Committee on Education and Labor. H.R. 4812 would bail out union jobs for large cities and postpone large public sector layoffs until after election time. Urge your representative to vote “No” on H.R. 4812.

Priority H: Oppose S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=21744)

Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) Dietary Supplement Bill, S. 3002, is back, but this time in changed form due to a compromise. And, the compromised version has been incorporated into S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act. Similar to H.R. 2749 and H.R. 875, S. 510 would expand the FDA’s control over the right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, serve, or eat every food under the sun. Urge your senators and representative to vote “No” on S. 510 to help prevent a major expansion of federal regulation of food and dietary supplements.

Priority H: Oppose H.R. 2499, Statehood for Puerto Rico (http://www.votervoice.net/Core.aspx?AID=972&Screen=alert&IssueId=21716)

The House passed H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act, by 223-169 on April 29. However, an important amendment was added to the bill to give citizens of Puerto Rico a fourth choice (in the second plebiscite authorized by the bill) to continue in the present commonwealth status. This additional choice would make the deck less stacked toward statehood. The Senate still must vote. Urge your senators to oppose H.R. 2499 on the grounds that it is a very bad move in the present economic and financial climate. The financial drain on the rest of the states and the possible political consequences make it a bad idea to support statehood for the commonwealth of Puerto Rico at this time.

Priority H: Oppose H.R. 4321 and S. 9 — Amnesty Legislation (http://www.numbersusa.com/dfax?series=nm15JAN10)

H.R. 4321, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009,” is essentially an amnesty proposal that would legalize 18-20 million aliens and provide education, housing, welfare, jobs, and medical services at the expense of hard-working Americans. Several similar measures have been introduced in the Senate, the major one being S. 9 authored by Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.). Contact your representative and senators to oppose these and any similar measures.

07-28-2010, 07:55 PM
http://www.shopjbs.org/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/O/v/Overview-of-America-Cased.jpg (http://www.shopjbs.org/index.php/videos/overview-of-america.html)


An Excellent Project For All

In 2004, Congress enacted legislation requiring all publicly funded educational institutions to provide students with instruction about the U.S. Constitution. The law (Public Law 108-447) specified that it should be given on September 17, the date of the completion of the Constitution in 1787. The Department of Education then directed that all schools receiving federal funding must comply.

In 2008, we recommended sending copies of the Overview of America DVD [ DVD Case (http://www.shopjbs.org/index.php/videos/overview-of-america.html), DVD Alone (http://www.shopjbs.org/index.php/videos/overview-of-america-public-service.html) ] to high school and junior high school social studies teachers, reminding them of the requirement and suggesting the use of our DVD. We know that many members acted on our suggestion — both in 2008 and in 2009.

A good member in Montana told us that the teacher to whom he presented the DVD in 2008 ended up showing it to all his colleagues at the school. Many not only raved about its contents; they asked for their own copy. The program was then shown to the students where it was received enthusiastically.

A chapter in Illinois sent a letter and the DVD to 20 high school and junior high school principals and social studies department chairmen. They then followed with telephone calls to the appropriate individuals. While they didn’t get a positive reaction from all, they know that the DVD was shown in some of the schools. They reported that teachers whom they reached were “very positive” about the DVD and some asked for an additional copy because it somehow “got lost.”

The Illinois members suggested the following plan of action:

1.) During the third week in August, send the DVD and a letter (similar to the sample given below) to the principal and social studies teacher of each school in your area.

2.) During the last week in August, call the recipients to inquire whether they have previewed the program. Remind them of the legal requirement (Public Law 108-447) that they provide instruction about the Constitution on September 17.

3.) Keep calling until you are connected with the appropriate school official.

If you wish, create an ad hoc committee such as “Green County Committee for the Constitution.” Or, any member living in the area can sign the letter. Provide your name, address and telephone number for recipients to contact you if they desire to do so. Sample letter:

Dear Sir or Madam:

As you are undoubtedly aware, the federal government requires that instruction about the Constitution be given in all publicly funded schools on Constitution Day, September 17.

I (We) enclose an excellent half-hour DVD dealing with this very topic. It has already been shown in numerous schools where it has stimulated excellent discussion among the students.

Overview of America has reached the 100,000 level in sales; it has also been shown in part or in its entirety via numerous internet sites; copies have been made by many; and it is estimated that at least five million Americans have enjoyed seeing all or part of the presentation.

Please preview it yourself and, when you see its contents, I (we) expect that you will want to show it to your students.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely, Joe Doakes or “Joe Doakes for the Committee”

Get started now so you can mail or deliver copies of the DVD to school personnel as they begin preparation for the coming school year. Also, contact the editor of your local newspaper to supply him or her with the DVD and information about your effort to get it shown to the students. (25 copies/$20.00; 50 copies/$37.50 plus shipping and handling.)

Any member acting alone, or any chapter acting as a unit, can undertake this project. Go for it!

07-29-2010, 02:32 PM
Overview of America

Overview of America - Public Service - DVD (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6732659166933078950)

Great for viewing in all venues, this video gives you a big-picture vision of why we enjoy so much personal freedom and prosperity in America. It explains in a simple fashion the different systems of government throughout the world and the different economic principles underlying each type of government-illuminating the great virtues of our unique nation. Public Service Edition. (29 min., 2007)

08-08-2010, 08:09 PM
Can you spare a few minutes for liberty?