View Full Version : Pro-Gun 2nd Amendment voters for Bruning for Sheriff!

07-27-2010, 10:19 PM
Pro-Gun voters can't support Justin Smith for Larimer Sheriff

If you’re a Republican in Larimer County, you need to know something: Justin Smith is not pro-gun.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO), Colorado’s largest gun rights organization, sends surveys to candidates across the state, asking specific firearms questions.

For Sheriff candidates, this survey is unique, and tailored to find out whether a candidate is interested in representing citizens or, frankly, just a part of the law enforcement fraternity.

You don’t have to be a libertarian to be concerned about America’s law enforcement, especially under an Obama Administration, but we all want officers who strive for the safety of our communities while still refusing to step on citizens’ freedoms. There’s a balance there, and we’d like to see candidates who understand that balance.

When we asked Larimer County’s two Republican Sheriff candidates to state their views on our survey, we were quite surprised by the results.

Justin Smith’s survey looked more like it came from a Denver Democrat than a Larimer County Republican.

Honestly, I was shocked.

Though he answered a few questions pro-gun (even Democrats in Boulder County will do that), the list of issues Justin Smith has with gun owners are quite extensive:

1. Justin Smith has repeatedly stated he will enter permit holders into a statewide criminal database. This is a massive issue that puts permit holders at great risk – especially when visiting anti-gun areas like Denver and Boulder, where law enforcement is ruled by gun-hating liberals.

The potential for abuse is massive, and could lead to profiling of gun owners, terror watch lists (for permit holders, as if they have anything to do with "terrorists"), and many, many other issues –- all stemming from entering permit holders into a statewide databse.

Conservatives in the Colorado legislature have attempted to repeal this option for sheriffs – yet Justin Smith has vocally pronounced that citizens are already on so many lists that one more won’t make a difference.

Remember: entering permit holders into a statewide criminal database is optional. The person you elect for sheriff will make the choice on entering permit holders into a dangerous and insidious statewide database.

2. Justin Smith opposes Constitutional Carry, like that passed in Arizona just months ago. A no-permit-needed carry law, which still only allows the law-abiding to carry, removes the lists and costs of a permit while leaving the permit process in place for those who want reciprocity with other states.

3. Like Sarah Brady, Justin Smith supports the Brady Law. Though Colorado’s Constitution prohibits citizens’ right to keep and bear arms from being “...called into question...” (Article II, Section 13), Justin Smith sees no conflict with that, even though he’s required to swear an oath to our Constitution.

The Brady Bill was a litmus test issue for gun owners when it was first proposed, and is still a good gauge of the pro-gun credentials of a candidate.

The Brady law is the cornerstone of all gun control, and the prime tool of abuse of our firearms freedoms -- yet Justin Smith refuses to stand against Brady, and the federal mandate it forces on Colorado. As the Obama Administration seeks to expand their war on our Second Amendment freedoms, he and anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder will use the Brady Act to do it. We need a Sheriff who will stand against this unconstitutional powergrab for our freedoms.

These are just a few of the issues we have with Justin Smith as Sheriff -- there are certainly others. And taken individually, it might not warrant our attention. But when we look at the entire package, Justin Smith is just too dangerous for Larimer County gun owners.

You’ve probably heard the argument from some law enforcement: "Justin carries a gun, how could he be anti-gun?" Understand, though, that often it is law enforcement associations which are the main lobby in the Denver for gun control.

RMGO has worked in the State Capitol -- advocating for firearms owners’ rights -- for more than a decade and a half now. The main proponents for gun control usually have a gun on their hip and a badge in their wallet. Just because you carry a gun doesn’t make you pro-gun.

In fact, the lobbyist for the Police Chiefs in Colorado is also the lobbyist for Colorado Ceasefire, a rabid group of radical gun-haters. So, don't assume law enforcement officers are on the pro-gun side because, increasingly now, many are not. And their associations have never been pro-gun.

Larimer County needs a sheriff who is principled, and understands the Constitution that he swears an oath to.

And that’s what we found in Carl Bruning.

Not only did Carl Bruning answer our survey 100% in favor of your gun rights, he also has a history of standing up for freedom.

Importantly, Carl Bruning will remove concealed carry permit holders from the CCIC database. That’s a huge change, and one permit holders in Larimer County support overwhelmingly.

For these reasons -- and many others -- RMGO PAC has endorsed Carl Bruning for Sheriff.

If you’re a gun owner in Larimer County, you cannot vote for Justin Smith for Sheriff.

Simply put, he just won’t be the kind of principled, pro-gun leader who’s needed.

A Republican is going to be Sheriff in this county -- no Democrat or Independent has been elected to Sheriff in Larimer County since WWII. Let’s make sure it’s the right Republican.

Vote for Carl Bruning for Larimer County Sheriff.

Paid for by
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners PAC
Colorado’s Only Pro-Gun Political Action Committee


Hello Friends of Liberty! Carl Bruning can win this race as "Your Constitutional Sheriff" in Larimer County. Can you help him win with your donation of $25 today?