View Full Version : Pass War Supplemental NOW

07-16-2010, 06:33 PM
:eek: Pass War Supplemental NOW:

Military Officers Assoc. Of America
One Association. One Voice. Yours
One Powerful Voice

The Senate has less than three weeks to approve the war supplemental bill, H.R. 4899 before breaking for August recess. Secretary Gates has warned that without the supplement the Defense Department would be forced to begin furloughs for civilian employees and curtailing pay for active duty servicemembers.

Send your senators the following message asking them to pass the war supplemental now:

The war supplemental bill, H.R. 4899, passed the House on July 1 and is awaiting Senate action.

Secretary of Defense Gates stated before the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee that without prompt action to approve this needed funding, the Pentagon will be forced to begin furloughs for civilian employees and curtailing pay for active duty servicemembers in August.

Senate action on the war supplemental has been held up by attempts to attach other spending measures to this essential bill. Please don't let politics get in the way of funding essential military wartime needs.

Please pass the war supplemental now.


Might It Make Sense To Write Our Senators Asking Them To NOT Pass The War Supplemental?

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs472.snc3/25878_121005137913112_100000108791083_314129_91463 4_s.jpg