View Full Version : LewRockwell.com: Obama is all three: Socialist, Fascist, and Communist

07-15-2010, 05:38 AM
Obama the Socialist Fascist Communist (http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig10/lazarowitz8.1.1.html)

Scott Lazarowitz | LewRockwell.com (http://www.lewrockwell.com/)
July 15, 2010

A recent poll (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/09/majority-likely-voters-agree-socialist-accurately-describes-obama/) showed that 55% of Americans believe that Barack Obama is a "socialist," and many Americans believe that the nation is on the "road to socialism."

The road to socialism? Where have these people been for the last 75 years? America has been a socialist – as well as fascist – nation for many decades, especially since FDR’s New Deal. Socialism primarily is public ownership of wealth, property and the means of production. So, of course Obama is a socialist. He has expressed (http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=79225) that.

For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that Social Security, an important outcome of the New Deal, is a program in which some of Americans’ earnings are taken and put into some kind of "savings account," to be available to them when they retire. In actuality, Social Security is a real-time redistribution of wealth scheme administered by the State, in which income is taken from producers and redistributed to non-producers, mainly retired persons and the elderly. LBJ’s Medicare program is an extension of this.

Further examples to show that Obama is a socialist include his vote as a U.S. Senator in favor of the Wall Street Bailout (http://www.fff.org/freedom/fd0812a.asp), often mistakenly seen as an example of "capitalism," but which was actually an example of socialism: redistribution of wealth from the middle-class workers and producers to the already rich Wall Street bankers and financial executives.

Obama also clearly supports the ongoing military socialism through the wars he has been continuing and strengthening abroad: redistribution of wealth from American workers and producers to defense contractors, consultants and lobbyists, oil executives and Wall Street (http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard66.html) bankers, which really has been a main objective for American wars throughout the last century. As the late USMC Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler (http://www.lewrockwell.com/shaffer/shaffer42.html) would say, "War is a Racket (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0922915865/lewrockwell/)."

And as the late economist Murray Rothbard put it (http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard66.html), regarding World War I:

Woodrow Wilson's decision to enter the war may have been the single most fateful action of the 20th century, causing untold and unending misery and destruction. But Morgan profits were expanded and assured.

Things have not changed in 100 years (http://original.antiwar.com/engelhardt/2010/06/15/entering-the-soviet-era-in-america/).

Obama’s stated intention has been for redistribution of wealth as a means to help the poor, the underprivileged and so on. But his unstated intention is the same as all politicians of his ilk: to reach into as much private wealth as possible as a means towards expanding State power and control.

Many people also mistakenly believe that Obama’s medical takeover is "socialized medicine," but we already have socialized medicine in Medicare as mentioned, and other similar programs. ObamaCare is actually a fascist program.

Fascism is another major aspect of FDR’s New Deal, which gave us an untold number of regulations, mandates and enmeshments between business and government. Fascism primarily is State control over privately owned property, wealth and industry. All government mandates and regulation of private economies are examples of fascism. ObamaCare consists of one mandate and regulation after another of private doctor-patient relationships, patient/doctor-insurance company relationships, and a laundry list of medical related industries.

In addition to ObamaCare fascism and Obama’s strengthening of his own executive dictatorial powers as president, some other examples of Obama’s fascism include his new financial regulations, and the environmental regulations that he used as a means of interfering with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s duty (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703900004575325322304697784.html?m od=googlenews_wsj) to protect the people of Louisiana from the oil spill that threatens their livelihoods.

While allowing doctors’ practices, HMOs, and insurance companies to continue to be privately owned, the federal government will nevertheless dictate to them how their contracts and associations will be run. However, given a variety of factors, this dictatorial control over the medical industry will most likely lead these still privately owned interests into bankruptcy, much like what the federal government has done to the financial and mortgage lending industries, and the federal government will most probably take upon ownership, as well as control, of much of these industries.

That is where Obama’s communism comes in. The "road to socialism"? No, already there. Fascism? Already there. But are we on the road to communism? You betchya!

Communism is, by and large, complete State ownership and control of all industry, wealth and property, and the means of production. So far, we have seen this from Obama in his leading the charge of confiscation of much of the automobile industry, as well as the federal government’s ownership of much of the mortgage and finance industries. And eventually, most likely, the entire medical industry.

Whether Obama is intentionally implementing a communist America by way of long-planned "stealth (http://hotair.com/archives/2010/05/29/obama-acorn-and-stealth-socialism-dire-domestic-threat/)," as some people have suggested he is doing, or whether he has a communist agenda by way of his long-time partnership with admitted terrorist bomber and "small-c communist" Bill Ayers (http://michellemalkin.com/2008/08/27/obamas-ayers-problem-deepens/), or whether Obama follows the teachings of "radical community organizer" (or "communizer") Saul Alinsky (http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/obamas_alinsky_jujitsu.html), is actually not as important as Obama’s actual actions as president.

So far, we have noted that Barack Obama is:

* A Socialist. He supports public ownership of the means of production, redistribution of wealth from some segments of society to others.
* A Fascist. He supports State control over private industries and the means of production, and just about every aspect of citizens’ daily lives.
* A Communist. He supports State ownership as well as control of industry and the means of production.

But what isn’t Obama?

* A Capitalist.

Barack Obama is not a capitalist because he opposes voluntary exchange, private property rights, voluntary contracts, associations and markets free of State intrusions, and under the Rule of Law. The true capitalist, voluntary exchange-private property system that coexists with individual liberty is exactly what the American Founders believed in, for which they fought a Revolution to have and preserve for their posterity. This capitalist system is the only system that exists under the Rule of Law that protects all individuals in such a society from the theft and trespass of others including agents of the State.

In contrast, socialism, fascism and communism all institutionalize the violation of the Rule of Law as they institutionalize the violation of all individuals’ inherent rights to life, liberty and justly acquired property.

In those totalitarian systems, the individual is a sacrificial animal for the collective, and a serf for the State.

Alas, America has not actually experienced true capitalism, at least not since the U.S. Constitution was written and ratified, and especially not since the presidency of hardcore banking and monetary fascist and warmonger-business protectionist Abraham Lincoln (http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/lincoln-arch.html).

The choice for America is whether to continue on the road to communism, or to turn back, dismantle all of it, and restore our freedom and prosperity.


07-15-2010, 06:31 AM
Excellent article. Thanks.

the 55% percent who think he's a socialist should read this article. He's worse than they think.

low preference guy
07-15-2010, 06:33 AM
Obama is a Fascialist?

07-15-2010, 06:37 AM
Obama is a Fascialist?

A Commufascialist.