View Full Version : Big Pharma’s Lifetime Dependents...

07-13-2010, 11:42 AM
July 13, 2010

Big Pharma’s Lifetime Dependents (http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/61479.html)

Posted by Karen De Coster (rothbardiancpa@yahoo.com) on July 13, 2010 05:50 AM
More amazing stories in the mainstream news about the pharmaceutical-medical establishment’s favorite demon: cholesterol. The LA Times reports (http://www.latimes.com/news/health/la-heb-children-cholesterol-screening-family-20100712,0,91952.story) that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be screened for “high” cholesterol. Of course, “high” has come to mean a number that is deemed perilous without looking at the breakdown of that number, which is why I put the word in quotes. This screening should start “after age 2.”

Screening all children for cholesterol, rather than just those with a family history, will uncover many more cases of the condition that can be treated early to prevent heart disease later in life, the authors said. Statin therapy has been shown to be safe and effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad kind of cholesterol) levels in children.
I reckon that “Patients for Life” would be a great name for a mandatory screening program. We can then go on our merry way and enjoy the wonderful cycle of having Big Agra’s corporatist cronies manufacture toxic and health-destroying foods while the pharmaceutical cronies generate magical pills to “cure” what ails us.
Additionally, in Europe, the European Commission has approved (http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-07-07/business/21940378_1_lipitor-pfizer-cholesterol-lowering) chewable Lipitor for children. That ought to make its way to the US, soon, in the form of teddy bears and gummi worms. As Biospace reports (http://www.biospace.com/news_story.aspx?StoryID=186515&full=1),

Pfizer (PFE)’s plan to sell a chewable version of Lipitor, its bestselling cholesterol drug, for children in Europe is a clue to how the company might manage its portfolio of blockbusters once they lose the patent protection that currently gives them exclusive marketing rights. There’s a technical reason why Pfizer wants “Lipitor Chewables for Kids”* on the market (aside from everyone’s natural desire to see a Flintstones statin box the on the shelves): By doing the necessary tests to show the medicine is safe and effective in kids, Pfizer can earn another six months of protection against competition from cheap generic versions of the drug.
Just another example of government and its corporate cronies keeping you healthy and safe. Here are some simple LDL cholesterol primers for the layman: Part 1 (http://freetheanimal.com/2009/01/what-about-ldl-cholesterol.html) and Part 2 (http://freetheanimal.com/2009/01/all-about-ldl-cholesterol-pt-2-of-2.html).

07-13-2010, 11:45 AM

07-13-2010, 11:54 AM
Somehow, people have lost the ability to take a step back and use some common sense. I'm not as anti-pharmaceutical as some on the board, but I am VERY wary of drugs for kids (all kinds). Children are chemically instable, to put it mildly; they're just not fully cooked yet. Adolescents are even worse, with the ups and downs of puberty making me highly suspicious that a drug diagnosed today is no longer accurate two weeks or months or years from now.

Giving these sorts of things to kids is horrible. Statin therapies increase liver problems. Any drug used over the course of, say, 60 years is going to have an incredible array of interactions, side effects, and potentially reduced efficacy over time. Statin overdose is a serious threat, and kids might forget they already took their pill and take another. All of these things need to be considered.

There are, no doubt, some cases where statins in children would be warranted. There are those children who are basically already born incredibly obese, and who are suffering from some kind of genetic problem. I am sure there are cholesterol-related problems even from an early age. These cases would be supremely rare. Most cases would be remedied by diet and exercise, and of those that aren't "fixed" by that, growing up and going through puberty will help some of what's left. Seriously. There are chubby kids (who probably had elevated cholesterol levels, if we'd bothered to check them back then) who grew up into average or even skinny adults with good cholesterol levels and healthy hearts.

This... is just utterly mind-boggling on all levels.

07-13-2010, 12:13 PM
Somehow, people have lost the ability to take a step back and use some common sense. I'm not as anti-pharmaceutical as some on the board, but I am VERY wary of drugs for kids (all kinds). Children are chemically instable, to put it mildly; they're just not fully cooked yet. Adolescents are even worse, with the ups and downs of puberty making me highly suspicious that a drug diagnosed today is no longer accurate two weeks or months or years from now.

Giving these sorts of things to kids is horrible. Statin therapies increase liver problems. Any drug used over the course of, say, 60 years is going to have an incredible array of interactions, side effects, and potentially reduced efficacy over time. Statin overdose is a serious threat, and kids might forget they already took their pill and take another. All of these things need to be considered.

There are, no doubt, some cases where statins in children would be warranted. There are those children who are basically already born incredibly obese, and who are suffering from some kind of genetic problem. I am sure there are cholesterol-related problems even from an early age. These cases would be supremely rare. Most cases would be remedied by diet and exercise, and of those that aren't "fixed" by that, growing up and going through puberty will help some of what's left. Seriously. There are chubby kids (who probably had elevated cholesterol levels, if we'd bothered to check them back then) who grew up into average or even skinny adults with good cholesterol levels and healthy hearts.

This... is just utterly mind-boggling on all levels.

I have some very real experience with these drugs, and they're definitely bad juju.

My wife has had epilepsy since she was about 10. Its not the 'cliche" epilepsy, as she's only had 4 gran-Mal seizures in her lifetime, and her seizures are mostly petit-Mal...and with that, they 99% occur in the week before her period-that's it.

Long story short, she's been prescribed everything under the sun.

Dr. prescribed Zonegran once. That causes depression, so he prescribed her Effexor to counteract the depression (very nasty shit).

Then she was 'diagnosed" with bi-polar, which we now know was actually the side effects of all the drugs she was taking(which didn't work, BTW).

In comes Lamictal...instead of weening her off the Effexor and onto the Lamictal, slowly like they're supposed to do, he drops her off Effexor(max dose) and shoots her onto Lamictal.

One Week later, I'm suddenly informed she wants a divorce, had an affair w/ ex-boyfriend, and completely demonized me to our families and friends, was asking for full custody and me limited visitation because I had a gun:confused:-all kinds of CRAZY shit that wasn't my wife. Those made her COMPLETELY off her rocker(obviously).

Wow, went off there, but yeah, ANY of those drugs suck.:D

07-13-2010, 01:36 PM
Somehow, people have lost the ability to take a step back and use some common sense. I'm not as anti-pharmaceutical as some on the board, but I am VERY wary of drugs for kids (all kinds). Children are chemically instable, to put it mildly; they're just not fully cooked yet. Adolescents are even worse, with the ups and downs of puberty making me highly suspicious that a drug diagnosed today is no longer accurate two weeks or months or years from now.

Giving these sorts of things to kids is horrible. Statin therapies increase liver problems. Any drug used over the course of, say, 60 years is going to have an incredible array of interactions, side effects, and potentially reduced efficacy over time. Statin overdose is a serious threat, and kids might forget they already took their pill and take another. All of these things need to be considered.

There are, no doubt, some cases where statins in children would be warranted. There are those children who are basically already born incredibly obese, and who are suffering from some kind of genetic problem. I am sure there are cholesterol-related problems even from an early age. These cases would be supremely rare. Most cases would be remedied by diet and exercise, and of those that aren't "fixed" by that, growing up and going through puberty will help some of what's left. Seriously. There are chubby kids (who probably had elevated cholesterol levels, if we'd bothered to check them back then) who grew up into average or even skinny adults with good cholesterol levels and healthy hearts.

This... is just utterly mind-boggling on all levels.

That's th program my dear. Chemically Zombify the children and poison the food supply so the adults are energy drained, sick and dependent on treatment drugs.

Triple whammy. Too dumb to figure it all out. Too sick to revolt. Massive profit structure.

07-13-2010, 09:55 PM
That's th program my dear. Chemically Zombify the children and poison the food supply so the adults are energy drained, sick and dependent on treatment drugs.

Triple whammy. Too dumb to figure it all out. Too sick to revolt. Massive profit structure.

The program may be more premeditated and insidious than that. Check this out. Cholesterol is very hydration-sensitive. Dehydration will quickly elevate it. Coincidentally, lots of doctors and hospitals want to check your cholesterol while you are in for a procedure that required a food and water fast for the previous 12-24 hours – and you are DEHYDRATED. Now even though docs know all about this connection, they will generally not tell you; even as they are testing your cholesterol and prescribing you statins.

In my experience: the more educated an honest a friend or family member is in the medical industry, the more likely they are to warn you to do all you can to stay AWAY from doctors and hospitals. And they aren’t just advising you to stay healthy. They are warning you to not allow the medical establishment to get a hold on you; because once you are in their system, you are fucked. While most are too scared to give you the horrific details of what they have witnessed, they care enough about you to give you the general warning.

While some realize how the end result of generations of over-regulation of medicine (what we have now) has raised prices, very few realize and how much it has reduced competence.

07-14-2010, 01:33 AM
Well worth replay. Just a small tip of the iceberg.

YouTube - Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFbs8s3VI6M)

07-14-2010, 06:58 AM
The program may be more premeditated and insidious than that. Check this out. Cholesterol is very hydration-sensitive. Dehydration will quickly elevate it. Coincidentally, lots of doctors and hospitals want to check your cholesterol while you are in for a procedure that required a food and water fast for the previous 12-24 hours – and you are DEHYDRATED. Now even though docs know all about this connection, they will generally not tell you; even as they are testing your cholesterol and prescribing you statins.

In my experience: the more educated an honest a friend or family member is in the medical industry, the more likely they are to warn you to do all you can to stay AWAY from doctors and hospitals. And they aren’t just advising you to stay healthy. They are warning you to not allow the medical establishment to get a hold on you; because once you are in their system, you are fucked. While most are too scared to give you the horrific details of what they have witnessed, they care enough about you to give you the general warning.

While some realize how the end result of generations of over-regulation of medicine (what we have now) has raised prices, very few realize and how much it has reduced competence.

Oh I left out big portions of how incredibly desired it all is. I simply made a very brief and simple analysis without going into detail.

The FDA, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, The Food and agriculture Organization. They are friggin global fascist enterprises that have FORCED nations to buy the chemically poisoned food supplies of other nations. Thank you Monsanto.

Monsanto has its paws in almost 100% of the economic descions yuou make. Typically the game is, they win (profit), you lose (no real choice and what you choose is poison).

Then their pharma buddies make even more profit off your sickness.

I love meat and dairy. They taste amazing. But in reality the now legal mandates of growth hormone and anti biotics and GMO corn fed live stock have made meat and milk a toxic cancer on the human body. I eat very little meat now, and that's saying a lot because I LOVE meat. Milk in particular, no matter what the GOT MILK? propaganda says, is HORRENDOUS for human health.