View Full Version : Write up on 'forum' between Rand and Conway flags Conway's flip flop on cap and trade

07-08-2010, 02:01 PM
...that he likes cap and trade, but not the PRECISE cap and trade in congress....


In part:

" Paul said Conway supports a cap-and-trade system to regulate power plant emissions, which opponents say would harm Kentucky’s coal industry. Conway has previously supported the concept of a cap-and-trade system, but has said for months that he opposes the system proposed by the Obama administration, in part because it would cost Kentucky its competitive edge in electric rates.

Paul also noted Conway’s support for the unpopular health care overhaul bill that Obama successfully pushed through Congress.

For his part, Conway said that Paul’s statement that accidents sometimes happen — during a discussion of the Gulf Coast oil spill and a fatal mining accident in Western Kentucky — showed a “cold and callous view” that doesn’t speak well of his attitude towards regulating business.

Paul said his criticism of the Obama administration over remarks about BP had been misconstrued. BP should be held accountable for the oil spill, he said. "

Internal links include the video posted on another thread.