View Full Version : Happy Secession Day!

Matt Collins
07-04-2010, 01:50 PM
Happy Secession Day!

In short.... the most important thing about toady is that we have a right, even a duty to leave, alter, or overthrow any government that is tyrannical!

Why, oh why, on the 4th of July, when you celebrate whatever, are you not told, and have you not been taught, and have you not been taught to revere the last word of that declaration, “independence”? You’re taught the exact opposite of what it is that was declared that day. What did independency mean on the 4th of July – actually today, the 2nd of July, 1776. What did it mean today?

And the answer to that question is one that seems mysterious to people, one that seems elusive to wrap your hands around, one that seems, “Well, I don’t know, Mike, I’m not a historian.” You don’t have to be a historian to know the answer to this. Independency at that juncture in time and the reason why it was so difficult to achieve is because it was the second greatest mass secession in the history of earth. The first one being when all the soviet republics bailed in 1989 and 1990. There were more people, more little countries that bailed out of the Union of Soviet Scholastic Republics in 1990 or 1991 than the 13 that bailed in 1776.

Fame Of Our Fathers

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Many Americans are inspired by the Founders but we never bother to ask: who inspired the Founders.

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(There is NO video, only Audio)

You must understand the magnitude of what these guys did, the magnitude of what these men called our Founding Fathers did. They told – here, let me modernize this for you. They sent a letter to Obama. They sent a letter to Obama. They sent a letter to Pelosi. They sent a letter to Reid. And it said we declare our independence, that these states – here, let me insert one – that the state of Louisiana is and ought to be a free and independent state, and it is absolved of all connection to the federal government of the United States, and hereby declares that all political connection between them and the states, the remaining United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved. Patrick Henry says it in “The Spirit of ‘76,” when he said this is as radical a statement as that which separated us from the mother country.

I mean, this was, in the history of the world, one of, if not the, defining moment for the march or for the expression of a free people, of freedom in general. It always gets tied up in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as Jefferson said, as he was dying, because he was tired of hearing it – this is why “The Road to Independence” the movie starts off with this, to get it out of the way first and foremost. He wasn’t declaring a damn thing about life, liberty, and happiness. It already existed. So the colonists already had experienced liberty. They had come here for liberty. They had come here for self-government. This idea that on July the 2nd, 1776, oh, America was born. No, it wasn’t. It was born when those settlers from the Virginia Company came and set foot in Jamestown. It was born when those people settled up in Plymouth Rock. It was born when they moved into the Carolinas. It was born when they moved into New Hampshire. Live free or die, baby. It was born when they moved into Connecticut and when the Penn family settled – somebody’s going to say, “Mike, it wasn’t the Penn family.” All right, whoever settled Pennsylvania. That’s when it was born.

People act as though there weren’t any governing institutions in this United States or in the colonies that existed then in 1776, and that they were all created on July the 4th. I mean, this is just historical ignorance. The fact of the matter is, as I discussed here on the 29th of June, that the state of Virginia had already declared its independence and had already written its own damn Constitution and elected its first governor, Patrick Henry. So the key word for today, tomorrow, and Sunday is “independence.” And independence and independency in 1776 meant no shackles from a central authority. End of discussion, Katie bar the door, nothing else needs to be learned. End of tyranny. An end to a link to a central authority, a tyrannical central authority. It was an expression that little “r” republicanism would be the rule of law in this republic here.

Why oh why, then, do I continue to find myself in arguments with people who insist that they want to be ruled by Mordor on the Potomac, and we just need to put the right Republicans in there. I mean, really, this is really sickening. “Mike, you’re always talking about – why don’t you spend some time talking about Democrats?” Everybody talks about Democrats. We spread the misery around here. Let me read you a story here from The Wall Street Journal today to illustrate this point about how this election coming up is going to mightily disappoint you people, mightily disappoint you. I don’t know, maybe that will be the spark that will be lit underneath people’s behinds here. The title of the piece in today’s Wall Street Journal is “The Obama Tax Trap.” Here you go. How some Republicans are preparing to walk right into it.

By the way, it is the actual – today is actually Independence Day. John Adams, in a letter to Abigail Adams, said that the 2nd of July should be celebrated by all generations of Americans. We should celebrate it with cards and with games and with guns and shows and what have you. Adams said the 2nd of July because today was the vote on the Lee Resolution. And I will play you the excerpt from “The Road to Independence” so that I may convince you of this. Since I guess most of you people are in denial or just don’t believe me.
