View Full Version : Gold Standard 2012!

07-02-2010, 03:38 AM
I don't know if anyone has picked up on this, but there's an interesting group that seems to want to make returning to the gold standard a key political issue. This is what they have to say:

The U.S. dollar needs a sound monetary foundation, and the urgency is greater than ever. The explosive growth of government and unrestrained deficit spending kicked into high gear by the Obama administration and the 111th Congress have exposed the dollar’s position as the world’s final money to be a central cause of instability. We will never rein in Washington’s spending and irresponsible, record-setting dollar creation by the Federal Reserve—or escape repeated liquidity-driven financial bubbles such as the 2007-08 residential real-estate crash—until we find a new standard of value that balances trade flows and gives our currency an intrinsic worth. Gold has successfully served this role in the past and can do so once again.

The Gold Standard 2012 project is advocating this solution, and reaching out to lawmakers to advance legislation that will put the U.S. back on the gold standard.

Seems like Campaign for Liberty, in a sense.
