View Full Version : my sos to the international media

06-07-2007, 04:50 PM
I composed this letter and sent it to the BBC, and French Media so far. It really could go out to any international journalist.

"I feel as if I am a hostage trying to get a "Please help" note past my captors. I am an American, and Conservative Republican, however I am not so proud to admit it these days. While watching the debates and mainstream American media I have realized that my country and media have been hijacked. I am held hostage by the corporate American media trying their best to ram Rudy Guiliani down my throat like a parent trying every trick in the book to get a kid to eat their brussel sprouts.

I am tired of the war, I am angry about illegal immigration and do not want to become a Canamexican. The European Union may work for Europe but I still believe in the USA as a freestanding country with borders even if they are as porous as Swiss cheese. I want our government to quit running the world and come back home and get our country in order, dig us out of debt and the financial catastrophe we are on the verge of, stand up our citizens and make me feel proud to be an American again.

The candidates are paraded and the public is supposed to get to see what they stand for and use their own judgment to figure out who they want to choose. The graphics on the news stations tout, “2008 You Decide” oh, if that were the case. I have done my research. I have made my choice. Ron Paul is an amazing candidate who offers integrity, honesty and a track record that is more than just talk. His views are refreshing and have inspired me to donate to his campaign. I am not alone in wanting him to be the future president. Check the internet and it is ablaze with stories like mine. Passionate, articulate and yes Conservative Republicans who want to choose someone against the war. (No it is not an oxymoron) Ron Paul is someone who actually believes and upholds The Constitution. People who have been apathetic about the political process are getting involved. Do you hear about it on tv or in the newspapers? Do you hear how myspace and meetup are on fire with support? Do you hear that every poll Ron Paul is in he wins? No, you don’t. A leak from a CNN employee said they were instructed to “ice” Ron Paul at the debate. Even footage of all the candidates posing for pictures mysteriously left him out. The only coverage CNN gave Dr. Paul was this gem CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker Which GOP candidate flies first class? « Ron Paul’s biggest dirt is he flew first class? Probably because he has never gone on a Congressional junket and flies commercial rather than private jets, thus racking up frequent flier miles.

Seriously, when Ron Paul is the only person Democrat or Republican to stand up and say that our biggest morale dilemma is that others are willing to use a “pre-emptive strike” against Iran and get us into another war and that we need to come to our senses. Such reason! My country’s media can only report that the man flew first class! He leads the polls and CNN deletes supporter’s comments.

Unfortunately I feel like I am being held captive. What a mockery that we send troops and officials to help make sure elections are fair and valid in other countries, yet the media skews and spins reality. Americans who depend on our mainstream “Free Press” to get their news will gobble up this garbage like a Supersized Value meal. I am not however, the average American. Most Americans sit in front of the tv and wait to be told who will win and then vote either Democrat or Republican. Usually based on who has nicer hair and looks “presidential” We are passionate voters for American Idol but yet could care less about who will run our country.

Americans are sick of the way things are going. We don’t want to rule the world. We want to be free, respected and be able to be proud of our country again. If you voice a desire for peace then you are unpatriotic. The media keeps us scared and therefore stupid. We live in fear of terror but don’t realize the terrorization we are experiencing right now is our loss of freedom.

I found this quote and am terrified by how true it rings. “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. It is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. Goehring, Nazi Party, Neuremburg Trials.

This is my message in a bottle to the foreign media. Please rescue us. Ron Paul terrifies those in power and those in power run the media. Come report the truth so we can have a better America and a better world. Please hear my SOS."