View Full Version : 85% Americans: freedom of press more important than saving struggling newspapers

06-10-2010, 05:34 PM
Article here. (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/85-percent-of-Americans-say-freedom-of-the-press-more-important-than-saving-newspapers-96085674.html)

More devastating news today from Rasmussen Reports for the FTC's "Reinventing Journalism" project, as fully 85 percent of the respondents to a national telephone survey say protecting freedom of the press is more important than saving existing newspapers.

Perhaps even more worrisome for the FTC is the fact that only 19 percent of the respondents think it's appropriate for the government to be involved in efforts to prop up existing newspapers, according to Rasmussen.

The FTC's "Reinventing Journalism" project is only at the staff discussion level for now, but there is clearly an effort supported by President Obama to mount some kind of bailout for the newspaper industry similar to those previously conducted by the administration in taking over GM and Chrysler, as well as multiple Wall Street firms, most of the mortgage industry and key elements of the insurance industry.

See also my column from last week warning my colleagues in the journalism world that there is no way the federal government can be involved in funding or otherwise "saving" newspapers that won't eventually result in major media outlets becoming tools of government propaganda.

Claims by FTC officials and their supporters in the media and academic communities that government aid won't lead to government control of news reporting face an uphill battle with the public, according to Rasmussen, too:

"Sixty-four percent (64%) of adults say it is at least somewhat likely that if the government provides funding for newspapers to hire journalists, the government will then place limits on what those journalists can cover. That includes 41% who believe it is Very Likely."

I've asked an FTC spokesman if the agency is taking into account public opinion survey data like Rasmussens.

Rasmussen has more, none of it encouraging for proponents of a government takeover of the newspaper industry. Go here for the full Rasmussen Report.
The survey was conducted earlier this week, reached 1,000 adults, and has a margin of error of +/- three percent.