View Full Version : Tea Party Activists Are Out-Lobbying Liberals, Liberal Leader Says

06-08-2010, 04:52 AM
(CNSNews.com) - Although Democrats control the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, the head of ProgressiveCongress.com said the liberal movement is not doing enough to further its political agenda and is, in fact, being out-lobbied by tea party activists and people on the political right.

"I have spent the last 14 months in Washington, and we are not advocating for our side the way that the right is advocating for theirs," said Darcy Burner, executive director of ProgressiveCongress.com at a discussion sponsored by the liberal Campaign for America's Future on Monday.

"I sit in the offices of members of Congress and listen as the phone calls come in, and there will be ten tea party phone calls to every one of ours," she said. "The right has built this infrastructure that provides information to members of Congress. We have not done enough to counter that.”

Although Burner argued that liberals/progressives do not seem to have the same clout as conservatives with members of Congress, the Democratic Party currently dominates the House and the Senate – and Democrats run the Executive Branch. Further, major legislation that affects the entire nation, such as the 2009 economic stimulus bill and the new health care law were passed without any GOP support.


06-08-2010, 04:25 PM
“We have a president that is fundamentally a consensus builder,” she said. “When the choice is between what the Blue Dogs [moderate Democrats] want and what the Republicans want, we have a problem. And that has been far too often the case. If he is always going to split the baby, let’s make sure it is as far on our side as we can get it.”
