View Full Version : Ambulance Shortages and Response Problems

06-05-2010, 09:06 AM

"...the ambulance company under contract with the city of Warren to provide ambulance service — Med Star EMS and Transport — was so tied up that it was unable to respond to three ambulance calls Wednesday afternoon between 4:03 p.m. and 4:28 p.m.

In addition to the Lough crash, Med Star was unable to send an ambulance to a call of a man shot in the chest on Southern Boulevard Northwest and a minor emergency on Tod Avenue Northwest.

An ambulance from Lane LifeTrans Paramedics responded to the gunshot wound, which turned out to be a suicide, and Warren Township firefighters responded to the minor emergency on Tod Avenue.

Warren firefighters also responded to all three calls because the city has unwritten agreements with the Howland and Warren township fire departments that Warren firefighters will respond to all calls in Warren to which the Warren Township and Howland Township ambulances go.

The Warren Fire Department sent firefighters to the gunshot call answered by Lane LifeTrans because Warren firefighters knew that Med Star didn’t have an ambulance to send and was searching for another ambulance company to take the call, said Ken Nussle, fire chief.

But what concerns Warren firefighters is that because its department doesn’t provide ambulance services, and few of its employees are trained to provide medical care, they are of relatively little help at such calls."

Anyone else seeing a similar trend in their area?

06-05-2010, 09:20 AM
not here. all we have are churches, hospitals, and funeral homes. alexandria is a great place to die.

06-05-2010, 09:58 AM
Not every accident requires an ambulance. The kids in the auto accident weren't even hurt. Why the heck didn't somebody just put them in another car and take them to the hospital?

06-05-2010, 10:24 AM
Not every accident requires an ambulance. The kids in the auto accident weren't even hurt. Why the heck didn't somebody just put them in another car and take them to the hospital?

Why they lead with them instead of the suicide is beyond me. I know by experience that this particular area is at a wait of somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 minutes to an hour for an ambulance. They are utilizing officers to do this work for the ambulance service as well as firefighters. Again I know this from experience.These services have been cut back as well so while officers and firefighters are playing back up for ambulance calls what happens to the jobs they are supposed to be handling? It is a poor use of their time, just as the article spelled out especially since they cannot administer aid due to liability.

06-05-2010, 10:30 AM
Not every accident requires an ambulance. The kids in the auto accident weren't even hurt. Why the heck didn't somebody just put them in another car and take them to the hospital?
