View Full Version : Ninety attend first Tea Party meeting, inlcu/ Peter

muzzled dogg
05-26-2010, 04:55 PM
Ninety attend first Tea Party meeting

Published: Wednesday, May 26, 2010

By Monica Mula

A substantial attendance of 90 people showed their support Monday night at Westport Tea’s first organizational meeting.

Dean Slack and two newly appointed officers reiterated the objectives of the nonprofit association. The association is concerned with raising public awareness of fiscal responsibility in government, lower taxes, capitalism and the foundational documents of the country. Its mission is to help our residents’ voices be heard at the state and federal level.

At the meeting, they called for volunteers who could donate time and money, supporters to express their perspective and officers to help organize and run the association.

“This meeting served to let people know that they are not alone in their views.” Slack said. “We’re providing those interested with a way to get involved and help take action.”

Slack explained that the meeting would be formative and that they would invite questions and comments from the audience. The association wants to plan and organize thoughtfully to uphold an approach to efficient and effective volunteerism in “true Westport style.”

Residents of Westport’s sister cities also attended. “As the day of the meeting grew closer, I was getting a fair amount of e-mails and phone messages from Weston and Wilton residents asking if they could also attend and become involved,” Slack said.

Slack took this as indication that they might need a little more room for the attendees.

The Westport Public Library was able to grant a room-change in its Community Space. “Despite the room change we were still surprised by the number of people arriving,” Slack said. Twice, extra stacks of chairs were delivered while the audience continued to grow.

As for total attendance, Slack was amazed to have roughly five times more people than he expected.

“While having 90 people was inspiring, there are still others who have called or written, asking to become involved while explaining that they couldn’t attend that particular meeting,” Slack said.

Slack noted that people in the audience were very receptive to the purpose and approach of the meeting and began offering help with room setup, copies and handouts right from the beginning.

“For all the questions and suggestions we had, people remained polite, raised their hands, and everyone had a chance to speak,” Slack said. “Many of the ideas circulating were insightful and positive.”

An attendee suggested that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited at the start of the meeting; the group agreed and followed through. “The enthusiasm and civility was wonderful,” Slack said, “as was this group’s insightful comments, interest and leadership. People addressed, clapped for and supported each other.”

At the meeting, input sheets requesting contact information, attendees’ preferences in volunteering, ideas for events, donations and feedback were circulated.

Slack and his team will now review all the information, identify remaining officers, and organize how best to proceed so all can be involved within their interests and availability.

“We were fortunate to have attendees who are strong leaders; those who would often stand up, step up and address other attendees or answer questions,” Slack said.

Westport Tea established that, to avoid conflicts of interest, those who currently hold political positions or are candidates cannot volunteer as officers in the association. Westport Tea is nonpartisan and cannot endorse candidates.

Even so, the meeting drew the interest of political candidates with local ties. Nitzy Cohen and Alan Levy, both candidates for State Representative, attended. So did Senate candidate Peter Schiff and a representative from the office of Congressional candidate Dan Debicella. “While not a part of our meeting, I’m glad candidates are listening to what our attendees had to say,” Slack said.

“Overall, it was very heartwarming how helpful, respectful, and dedicated people were,” Slack said.

“They are motivated by the issues affecting our country and ready to take action.”

Attendees shared with Slack that this meeting was a very positive first step in forming the association and creating a way to move forward.
