View Full Version : Colorado Mountain Media, Needs You!!!!!

05-12-2010, 04:42 PM
Hi Folks, we are almost ready to launch!!! We are seeking writers,story tellers and liberty lovers who love the great outdoors and Liberty. We are looking to publish news that is favorable to Liberty and the Colorado Mtn Lifestyle!!! We perfer to publish about Colorado and the outdoor lifestyle acitvities but are willing to publish outside of our state depending on topics!!

Leadville Citizens,Colorado and the world can join our site and interact! Our Goal is to be dependable local media and inform on issues the msm will not! we have plenty to do to build and hope folks like the direction we are heading! advertising will be available soon as well:) 35,000 unique visitors last month alone!!



if you have a link suggestion or story? feel free to contact me thru rpf or leadville lifestyle.

05-17-2010, 06:59 PM