View Full Version : Sample Letter regarding Fed Senate Bill?

Omphfullas Zamboni
05-10-2010, 12:53 AM
Hi all:

I am really not sure what to write to my senator regarding the Fed legislation in the Senate... vote no on the Sanders amendment? Support a new bill that mirrors HR 1207? Moreover, when is the vote taking place?

Your help is very much appreciated.

Omphfullas Zamboni

low preference guy
05-10-2010, 01:10 AM
Sample letter (if you are sending it to a Democrat Senator, you might want to add Alan Grayson's name):

Please vote NO on Senator Bernie Sanders' latest, watered-down, Fed transparency amendment, which was announced on May 6.

As you know, a broad transpartisan coalition of Americans has developed over the past year in support of Ron Paul's original Audit the Fed bill, H.R. 1207 and S. 604. The Sanders amendment represents a complete sellout of this coalition in favor of maintaining the excessive secrecy of the Federal Reserve.

As Ron Paul said in his video of May 6 "[W]e don't want this [new Sanders' amendment] version. We want a true audit of the Fed. We need to know what the Open Market Committee does. And we need to know what they're doing overseas with the agreements with central banks and financial institutions and other governments. And in this bill [S. 3217] that is being offered, that [Sanders] amendment is being offered now does not include this."

So, please vote NO on the new Sanders' Fed transparency amendment to S. 3217.

And, please vote YES for any amendment that would restore the original Audit the Fed language of Ron Paul's H.R. 1207 and S. 604.

The growing grassroots, transpartisan coalition for Fed transparency will hold all senators accountable for these votes.

Go to the page below to make the whole process easier. It already has the letter loaded, and you can edit it. You just have to fill some forms with information about your self and senator and click send.


If you don't like this version and have a better one, please post it on this thread.

Omphfullas Zamboni
05-10-2010, 12:24 PM

Thank you for your help. I will probably also include something about Senator Vitter's amendment to reintroduce language that is the same as in HR 1207:

Sen. Vitter has offered an amendment that would re-insert our full H.R. 1207 audit language into the Senate Financial Reform Bill. It's great to have allies like Vitter and DeMint pushing for hard core transparency at the Fed. The amendment will likely come up this week, so stay tuned.
