View Full Version : Poker Faces response to the ADL's defamation, slander and lies

05-06-2010, 05:36 AM

An Insider’s View of Racism, the ADL, and a Culture of Confusion --- by Dennis Beidler

It is interesting living in this politically correct world we have created for ourselves. Isn’t it? The latest free speech casualty of war has come around to the issue of race and racism. This has been a hot topic issue, as some point out, since the election of our first African-American President. We are told rampant racism and intolerance threatens to dismantle the civil society of today’s America.

There’s only one problem. It doesn’t exist.

At least, not to the frenzied level that is presented by the likes of Rachael Maddow or Keith Olbermann. Almost daily, we are treated to reports covering the rage of Tea Party members or the rise in militias as proof positive that there is a problem with angry white right wing Americans. Even though I feel that the Tea Party movement has been co-opted by mainstream personalities, I have not once experienced anything racial in the few events my band has participated in.

But, don’t think that I’m only attacking the liberal progressive mouthpieces. For the past two years, I’ve heard the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh defending the conservative base over racist accusations. They correctly point out that the hysteria being generated over a black man in the oval office is a mere distraction from the real issues. Of course, they do fail to mention that Obama’s mama is a white girl. I wonder if anyone will suggest that Obama’s drop in poll numbers is due to the black community figuring this out. Truly, I hope not.

Yet, for all the Republican defensive posturing, they are quick to join the ranks of their counterparts. I listened with disbelief as Sean Hannity proceeded to label Jim Traficant an anti-Semite during a discussion over Israel. Really, Sean? Was it truly necessary to use one of the most disparaging terms in modern culture? I heard Jim’s words. He did not attack Jews. He criticized the influence of another country and how that affects our nation. Traficant explained that he would be the first to support defending Israel if they are attacked. He also stressed the need to understand that there is not a balanced and objective presence in the Middle East, and it would be in America's and Israel's best interest to consider this.

Here are some direct quotes from the November 2009 interview:

“I’ve seen members [of Congress] question bills and votes on ‘how does Israel feel about this.’
I must have heard that every time there was a significant vote.”

“In the last four years, there’s been two separate incidents of AIPAC spying on America. We even conducted a search warrant on AIPAC headquarters.”

YouTube - Jim Traficant interviewed by Sean Hannity Fox News (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUm1JQRb6lA)

As some have come to realize, cries of racism and anti-Semitism are beginning to wane in effect. Many see the insincerity and over use of these phrases. However, it does continue. I should know. My band has been slandered several times over the past few years. Supporting legal immigration processes and criticizing that unmentionable country in the Middle East are just a few reasons.

Apparently, the ADL has now honored Poker Face with our very own profile. It hit about the same time local papers were covering the Hutaree militia’s use of our music on one of their training videos. For the most part, the articles were pretty fair and accurate. However, there must not have been enough spice to the story. When contacted for a follow up, the questions no longer dealt with music or militias. Every question dealt with racism or anti-Semitism.

It pains me to even have to waste my time writing about this. I do not live my life looking through black and white lenses. But, my hand has been forced. So, I have taken the time to convey our responses to the local journalists and address this issue.

Before digging in, I want to make it absolutely clear that Poker Face never condemns any group for the actions of some. We do stand by our belief that there are boneheads in every group. But, criticism of the few should never be condemnation of the whole. If that were the case, we would hate all white people for the actions of George Bush and Barack Obama.

QUESTIONS - The Anti-Defamation League wrote on their website that your band is anti-government and anti-immigrant. They post stuff from your website and interviews you've done that they claim are anti-Semitic and deny the Holocaust while claiming that Israel was behind 9/11. Do you believe these things?


Do you think the ADL and other people speaking out against you are infringing on your First Amendment Freedom of Speech rights? Although these groups seem to be trying to rally against you, do you feel that this will ultimately HELP your band by bringing more attention to it?

RESPONSE - Frank Zappa once referred to the Anti-Defamation League as a PR group for the Israeli lobby. They have a long history of falsely characterizing people as racist or extremist, often to satisfy a political goal or simply to stifle criticism of their own organization. The ADL has been sued in the past for slander and libel resulting in at least one multi-million dollar judgment that we are aware of. It's hard to take their claims seriously when they have been implicated in illegally spying on American citizens and political groups along with having ties to known terrorist groups like the JDL who have caused deaths on American soil.

These so called expositors of principled righteousness have all the characteristics of a mafia cartel with all the credibility of a tabloid journalist.

A common problem amongst our critics is that they fail to distinguish between the group and the parts. These folks are driven by emotion more than reason. Rather than investigating the information or questioning why someone has the beliefs they do, they jump to the old standby of name calling. We have always supported an open debate on issues. We have even reached out to offer a civil exchange. Alas, our efforts are always met with the same reaction, more name calling and threats of censorship. If the detractors are so sure of their position, let’s have it out instead of fanning the flames of controversy.

One of our biggest critics loves to call us racist because we support legal immigration and have performed at events supporting the Minutemen and Voice of the People. The response is always the same. You’re racist because you hate Mexicans. We then try to explain that Paul has Mexican roots and his father went through the legal immigration process to become a U.S. citizen. He fully supports anyone from Mexico coming to enjoy the prosperity of the American dream, so long as they take the time to do what his father did. The response does not waiver: you’re racist because you hate Mexicans. We then point out how our Federal Government is taking us down a path that will create the same conditions from which Mexicans are fleeing. Instead of taxing our resources, it would be best to stand their ground and have their own socio-economic revolution. The broken record continues. Paul decides to ignore him and goes to Mexico to spend time with his family.

This same critic will go so far as to threaten event speakers and proudly admit to this when accused of issuing terroristic threats. He indicates his support and satisfaction when his blathering results in physical attacks, yet portrays himself as an activist with the noble cause of fighting racial hatred.

Am I the only one who finds irony in an individual who claims to fight hate and violence by using hate and violence?

One of our more humorous reviews made the claim that we basically organized the entire “racist” Tea Party at the U.S. Capitol on July 4th, 2009. The fact is that this was a last minute stripped down acoustic version of the band. We were not listed in any promotional flyers and the event was not promoted on our website. The critics addressed that as “suspicious.”

We decided to engage them on their forum after they wrote an article about how we had “strong” ties to the Hutaree. Once again, it was more of the same back and forth, albeit accusations of anti-Semitism this time. You’re a bunch of Jew haters. That is incorrect for these reasons as well. It doesn't matter. We’re going to tell everyone you associate with that you’re a bunch of Jew haters and ruin your lives.

When we delve into this realm, it begs to question whether anything Jewish can be discussed at all. As we’ve stated we do not feel all people of Jewish faith are deserving of the criticism directed at the few who act on their behalf. But, when does scrutiny officially become anti-Semitism? Anti-Semitism is supposed to be one who hates Jews. But, it is thrown out when somebody criticizes the nation of Israel. It is used when someone criticizes a Congressman who happens to be Jewish. It is used when someone criticizes Zionism (Joe Biden is quoted as saying: ”You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist”). It is used when someone criticizes international bankers. How do you differentiate between Jews, Israelis, Israelites, Zionists, the nation of Israel, international bankers, etc when they are all equated under the same term?

This leads us to the Holocaust section of our forum. It needs to be understood that this section did not always exist. It wasn’t until we were attacked for questioning details of the event that this section was created. Of all the things we discuss, this is the only topic that constantly elicits virulently-hate filled aspersions on our character. It is also the only topic that warrants a jail sentence in over a dozen countries world wide for speaking contrary to a mandated point of view. An estimated 250,000 have been imprisoned for nothing more than a difference of opinion.

If visitors to our forum are offended by the articles, they must remember that we did not author them. The opinions expressed are those of the author and presented for research and reference only. Granted, some of our comments are harsh. But again, they are an equal and opposite reaction to the vile comments directed at us since before the forum existed. The choice to use the term "Holohaux" is directed at those who profit from the suffering at the expense of their own people. Even Jews like Norm Finklestein, author of the book THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY is sick of what he calls the Shoah money making scam.

There is no question that Jews died during WWII. And, we are more than pleased that it came to an end. Genocide or ethnic cleansing is an ugly specter. Whether it’s 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 1 million Armenians, or the current culling of Palestinians by the Israeli government, it is a black mark on human history.

However, there is only one persecution of a people that is beyond discussion. Challenging the methods, numbers, or causes is only forbidden for this one event. An entire industry has been created which wields such power as to silence dissent world wide. And, within this construct, there are representatives and leaders who act in a manner that demeans and defrauds the very people it is meant to memorialize. And, the people remain silent?

By human nature, this should pose the question as to why?

Poker Face has never tried to silence scoffers of Jesus Christ. In fact, many of those scoffers have helped strengthen the case for His existence. So should it be for this debate. Let the scholars hash it out. It just might strengthen the argument in their favor. However, by censoring, jailing and slandering those who investigate the issue, human nature will continue to ask why.

Similarly, while we call ourselves Christians, we do not blame critics for blasting the Catholic Church over their recent controversies. We do not call them anti-Christites. We put the blame on the Catholic Church for betraying the congregation and leading them astray.

Poker Face strives to hold our political and spiritual leaders to a moral and ethical standard. We will call them out when they misrepresent us. We would expect nothing less from people of other countries or other faiths. The fact is, there are many Jews who have challenged the status quo by speaking out regarding Zionism, Israeli treatment of Palestinians, and yes, the details of the Holocaust. The unfortunate fact is these individuals are quickly labeled self haters. Those who stand to lose control, whip up a public frenzy against them in order to perpetuate division among the people. For, as long as the people attack each other, these parasites are left to themselves to further their own agendas and profit margins.

What we truly ask of all our readers, regardless of topic, is to research things for yourself. Never take anyone's word at face value. And, most certainly, do not let anyone speak for you. It's not always in your best interest. The better educated we all are, the better the exchange of ideas. This is something the band does internally. We don’t all agree on everything, especially on this issue. So, bring it on. The best case scenario is that we will be proven wrong at which point we will gladly remove this section from our forum.

It all comes down to wanting to know the truth. 50+ years ago, everyone believed Arlen Specter's single bullet theory. Today, nobody believes it. None of our critics were in Germany almost 70 years ago. Most are two to three generations removed from that era. Therefore, asking questions and seeking answers should not be construed as hate, rather it should be a way of mandating historical accuracy.

Beyond that, we just pray that all parties can recognize the signs and prevent this form of horrific tyranny from ever happening in the future. As it stands, we see the same type of laws being passed over the past decade that gave rise to the likes of Hitler, Stalin and other despots. Passage of the Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act and the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act are perfect examples. These have dire consequences more for American citizens than for foreign aggressors. The recent financial regulations and healthcare reform, along with the McCain/Lieberman proposed Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, add to the dilemma of reducing our individual rights while further empowering a Federal Government that is already far beyond the boundaries of it’s Constitutional authority.

All of these horrendous pieces of legislation have been passed since 9-11, which leads us to the question of who pulled off the most amazingly well orchestrated attack on any nation in the history of the world. The fact is that nobody can know the true details of who was involved in light of 9-11 Commission members stating that much of the evidence they requested was withheld from them. One thing is for sure, the evidence most certainly does not point to Iraq.

Was Israel involved? It's not beyond the scope of reasonable doubt. We will forego any independent research and focus on mainstream news reports to belay any charges of rabid conspiratorial nonsense. A 4 part Fox News story on an Israeli spy ring looked into this very subject in November of 2001. It should be noted that the report never aired. However, all 4 parts are available for viewing on Youtube.

Here's some highlights:

"Since September 11 over 60 Israelis have been either arrested or detained"

"A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained"

"Some of the detainees also failed polygraph"

"...prior to September 11 over 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested"

"...they may have gathered information about the attacks and not shared it"

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I can not tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information"

"...an Israeli based private communications company for whom a half dozen of those 60
detained suspects worked...."

"information from this firm may have fallen in the wrong hands and had the affect of impeding the September 11th terror inquiries."

"...some American terrorism investigators fear certain suspects in the September 11 attacks may have managed to stay ahead of them by knowing who and when investigators were calling on the telephone"

Until a fully independent and comprehensive study can be done, all possibilities must be considered. Israel is not immune from scrutiny any more or any less than any other country.

Now, with all of this said, let us briefly address the ADL's 3rd accusation that Poker Face is anti-government. This is blatantly false. We could not be any clearer on our stance that we support a strict adherence to Constitutional government. If we were so anti-government, why has the band performed in support of nearly every major political party as well as some rather obscure ones to boot? Why have members of the band taken part in forming a local chapter of the Libertarian Party? Why have members actively sought to be a part of the electoral process by attempting ballot access as a delegate?

These are the not the actions of an anti-government group of anarchists. But, then again, the ADL is not known for basing their opinions on fact.

So, we can determine that Poker Face is not anti-immigration, but against ILLEGAL immigration.

The band is not anti-government, but, we will speak out against corruption within government.

We are not anti-Semitic, but, we will shine the spotlight on those of Jewish faith who use their heritage to escape criticism, especially when it comes to crimes against this country, but also against their own people.

The First Amendment grants everyone the right to free speech, unencumbered by Federal law. However, what the ADL is doing, not just to Poker Face, but, to many others as well, is a clear case of slander and libel. Through their efforts, they influence others to take part in what they claim to rail against, defamation. They do have every right to talk about us. But, they do not have the right to make false accusations or interfere with our livelihood by preventing us from performing.

Inevitably, this will only strengthen our fan base. Every time one of these hit pieces comes out, our popularity grows. We have been called the thinking man’s band by people who have a way of seeing through the smear campaign. Unfortunately, this popularity is a double edged sword as we have already had shows cancelled due to the negative PR campaigns.

Take note that the same cast of corrupt characters will always focus on one topic. This topic is never discussed in our songs. It is not displayed in our artwork. It amounts to roughly 3% of the content on our forum board. Yet, they will use this as their rally cry in order to dismiss the important issues that face our country. The Federal Reserve and monetary policy, military acts of aggression and suppression of Constitutional rights, sovereign independence and unemployment; these are the issues that are of great importance to America. When you consider the implications of ignoring these, the pettiness of name calling should be crystal clear.

05-06-2010, 08:47 AM
People who still have no clue regarding ADL and its true purpose should read 'Holocaust Industry' by Norman Finkelstein.
Dr. Finkelstein is the son of Jewish holocaust survivors and this book candidly analyzed the tactics of Jewish interest groups to manipulate and control public opinion.
Norman Finkelstein deserves a Nobel peace prize for his courageous work.
Extreme Zionists Jews kicked Dr. Finkelstein out of school for the ultimate sin which is 'saying anything bad about Israel or certain portion of Jewish elite'.

05-06-2010, 08:53 AM
Sean is harder to watch than Beck. I lasted until 6:42 which is pretty good all things considered.

05-06-2010, 09:59 AM
Poker Face ROCKS!!!
Kudos to dennis for writing the above piece. Its time to tell these POS from the ADL/SPLC/AIPAC/SWC et al and tell them all to go to hell and to go F themselves.

They are the cancer. Its impressive to read and hear a band like Poker Face stand strong for all of our Rights. There are too many pussys in this freedom movement who dont have the balls to stand up to these parasites. Poker Face isnt one of them. THEY HAVE BIG BALLS.

05-07-2010, 05:51 AM
Poker Face ROCKS!!!
Kudos to dennis for writing the above piece. Its time to tell these POS from the ADL/SPLC/AIPAC/SWC et al and tell them all to go to hell and to go F themselves.

They are the cancer. Its impressive to read and hear a band like Poker Face stand strong for all of our Rights. There are too many pussys in this freedom movement who dont have the balls to stand up to these parasites. Poker Face isnt one of them. THEY HAVE BIG BALLS.

You got that right!