View Full Version : Jim Lee, candidate for 4th district Congress would follow orders before Constitution

05-05-2010, 06:17 PM
Jim Lee, candidate for 4th district Congress would follow orders before Constitution, just like they did in NAZI Germany! Jim Lee is running against Constitutionalist tea partier Christina Jeffrey!
YouTube - Jim Lee, candidate for Congress in SC would follow orders before Constitution! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFYOso4KRjc)

05-05-2010, 07:09 PM
I dont like the way he got mad at me for asking that!

05-05-2010, 07:21 PM
Actually he made good points.

05-05-2010, 08:38 PM
NO HE DOES NOT, Isn't it part of the UCMJ that all soldiers have both a duty and obligation to disobey orders which they believe to be unlawful?

05-06-2010, 12:29 AM
not really.

05-06-2010, 01:08 AM
He made a very good point. You can't expect someone in the middle of combat to all of a sudden decide something is unconstitutional when they have been indoctrinated to follow orders. They expect their commanders to decide if something is unconstitutional.

I think he is correct articulating how enlisted military is indoctrinated because that is how the indoctrination went when I served in the USMC.

Does it excuse military action in gross violation of the constitution. No. But on the other hand let's assign some negligence where it is due. Officers who issue orders that run afoul with the constitution. Hell the officers get college educations, often with government money. Mandate some constitutional curriculum with those tax dollars.

I think it's bullshit officers virtually get a free liability pass for issuing unconstitutional orders because the military does not really penalize the officer for issuance it is the enlisted person who wrongfully acts that gets persecuted. Let officers accompany the enlisted service members following their orders to the defendant section.

While we're at it lets hold the people who develop the indoctrination curriculum accountable too for over emphasis on following orders and virtually no emphasis on the constitution.

Let's revisit the recent incident released where innocent people were shot to hell from a chopper. How many questions we're asked before the use of force was authorized. Who trains these 20 year old kids on what to look for? It is easy for us to watch the video and proclaim what a naive pig the service member is for shooting up a van with kids in it but we would be just as remiss if we did not take into consideration the indoctrination that occurs.

Using some Ron Paul terminology it is blow back from totalitarian indoctrination.