View Full Version : lol Linda McMahon cartoon

muzzled dogg
05-03-2010, 08:55 PM

Here's the effect big money has on a political campaign at the grass roots level. Zillionaire wrestling mogul and knee-to-the-groin senatorial candidate Linda McMahon offered a $5 bonus to student campaign workers for every new Republican registered at the University of Connecticut. Students helping with the drive were to be paid $10 an hour and then the bonus was to be added on top.

Democratic House Majority Leader Denise Merrill heard about it because she represents UConn's district at the state Capitol. Hard to keep slimy politics quiet even next door to "The Quiet Corner." Merrill said she'd add an amendment to an existing bill that would prohibit paying money in exchange for registering voters. She said, "I am very troubled by the practice of using money to influence or persuade a person to register to vote before an election. The fact that someone might take advantage of a student in need of money is appalling."

Caught with a damned spot on her hand she couldn't get out, McMahon made it sound like she was coming back to political morality and withdrew the offer.

Although it's not illegal, paying money to register voters is as sleazy as the industry McMahon represents -- which, of course, is also not illegal. According to the polls, McMahon is beating both Rob Simmons and Peter Schiff for the Republican nomination, which says as much about the Connecticut GOP as it says about the candidates. If McMahon is this way with her fellow partiers, I can only guess at how she'll be with Richard Blumenthal when the cage fight starts in the fall. My prediction? Blumenthal in round one.


muzzled dogg
05-03-2010, 08:56 PM
lol good ol tom

05-03-2010, 09:23 PM
HAHAHAHA, those good old tom commercials are priceless

05-03-2010, 10:45 PM
For those not from CT who don't get the reference, there is a jewelry and collectibles store in Hartford called Toms that used to run funny advertisements asking people to bring their gold to "Good ole Tom":

YouTube - CTS - Good Ol' Tom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCzAH0y-QU8)
YouTube - Good Ole Tom's Ad 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiTAJETUJ0k&NR=1)