View Full Version : Are corporatism & fascism the same ideology?

Southern Man
05-03-2010, 08:31 AM
Everyone probably knows Mussolini's famous quote in which he proclaims that fascism should also be known as corporatism because it is the merger of corporate and state power.

For years I think I've thought of the two terms interchangeably.

So, for clarification, I'd like to know if corporatism & fascism are the same ideology or if they're different ideologies with some similar characteristics?

On a related note, are the proper definitions:

* Corporatism: when the government colludes with and acts favorably towards certain corporations who control the market?

* Fascism: when the government imposes highly authoritarian laws to the point of nearly direct control of private property?

In addition, please define and explain your answers in your own words because I think I've gone through all of the common Internet sources but haven't found clarification with their information.

05-03-2010, 08:40 AM
On a related note, are the proper definitions:

* Corporatism: when the government colludes with and acts favorably towards certain corporations who control the market?

* Fascism: when the government imposes highly authoritarian laws to the point of nearly direct control of private property?

Yes, I would say so. In Corporatism the government is used as a tool by the corporations, in fascism the corporations are used as a tool by the government.

05-03-2010, 08:50 AM
Yes, I would say so. In Corporatism the government is used as a tool by the corporations, in fascism the corporations are used as a tool by the government.

This would seem to be accurate...and it also explains why the two share so many characteristics. The one is just the mirror image of the other. In Corporatism the megacorps control the government which in turn regulates the minicorps. In Fascism, the government controls both the megacorps and the minicorps. The only real difference between the two is the identity of the man holding the strings.

05-03-2010, 08:51 AM
Yes, I would say so. In Corporatism the government is used as a tool by the corporations, in fascism the corporations are used as a tool by the government.

what happens when they work together in equal criminal partnership?

05-03-2010, 08:56 AM
what happens when they work together in equal criminal partnership?

Then whether it boils down to dictionary-definition corporatism or dictionary-definition fascism, would depend on who ultimately holds the strings of power. Since our current bastardized unconstitutional system mostly puts the power of reelection into the hands of lobbyists and special interests, I would say it's corporatism.

05-04-2010, 02:21 PM
They don't exactly work together, well, certain agencies/departments do more than other... there's over 500 Prostitutes on Capital Hill alone. The White House is appointed by Wealth/Elitists...

The Art of Corporatism/Fascism... is conducting all the racketeering/fraud while throwing enough crumbs to the voting peasants, so they continue voting the same rich clowns to their thrones/office.

It's a mutual Fascist state where, you keep me in office with your donations/money and I'll allow you plenty of loopholes, beneficiary laws, and tax breaks.

PS: Oh yeah, if your schemes blowup... we'll use the people's money to bail you out.