View Full Version : NH: The Iraq war: An assessment, five years on

Bradley in DC
10-11-2007, 12:10 AM
http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=The+Iraq+war%3a+An+assessmen t%2c+five+years+on&articleId=bb728bd9-a1bf-44ae-8189-0b5196e3281b

The Iraq war: An assessment, five years on

BEFORE THE Oct. 11, 2002, Senate vote authorizing the United States to use military force against Iraq, one senator said the threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction "may not be imminent. But it is real. It is growing. And it cannot be ignored."

That was Sen. Tom Daschle, D-N.D., the majority leader.

Said another senator, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaida members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of Sept. 11, 2001.

"It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."

That was Sen. Hillary Clinton.

The nearly universal consensus on that day was that Iraq either had or was developing weapons of mass destruction. That belief was shared by the governments of France, Britain and Germany as well as the United States. Sen. Clinton called that assessment "undisputed."

Iraq's possession of such weapons was later found to have been overestimated. Iraq's pursuit of such weapon-making capacity, however, was not debunked. Saddam Hussein was bluffing about his capabilities, but was planning to rebuild them as soon as he could.

And although President Bush made the most of the weapons of mass destruction argument, it is a myth manufactured by war opponents that this was the only justification for war. It was one of many accepted by Democrats and Republicans alike in the summer of 2002.

This June, Sen. Clinton took to calling the Iraq war "Bush's war." It was America's war, then and now.

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Senate vote authorizing the war. Sen. Barack Obama is making the most of this date.

Five years on, his Oct. 2, 2002, speech opposing the war looks analytically sound when compared to many speeches supporting the war, and that is a well-earned point of pride for him. But wars can be long endeavors, and the negative effects he predicted then may yet turn positive in a relatively short time.

What no one who backed the war then knew was how wrong the world's intelligence agencies were and how poorly the war would be managed. The Iraq war has been a tragedy of errors. But it would compound those errors to end it with an abrupt retreat. As brutal and depressing as these last four years of war have been, there is indeed light ahead, a chance for hard-earned victory.

We must maintain the resolve to pursue that victory while it remains attainable. Giving up while there are signs of success just because the fight is hard and costly is to bring about our own defeat. That is not the American way. We must reject such calls as unworthy of our great nation and of the men and women who sacrificed so much to do the job their country called them to do in a distant and desolate land.

10-11-2007, 12:16 AM
...What no one who backed the war then knew was how wrong the world's intelligence agencies were ...

This sentence is grossly innacurate.

Supporting documents for article 1 of the impeachment articles:

10-11-2007, 03:10 AM
BUSH/CHENEY wanted war with Iraq from the first day they took office (even before then) and they needed a reason, any reason to get it.

CIA clearly told BUSH/CHENEY there were no WMDs.

BUSH/CHENEY knew there were none, but they DID NOT care.
BUSH/CHENEY want regime change and private profit as a result.
(note: i like this comment for the above video by zenhkim
"Watching the neo-con blowhards and Bush die-hards is like watching a kid skip from stepping stone to stepping stone in a creek: "We're in Iraq to find and destroy Saddam's weapons program.... No, we're in Iraq to break al-Qaeda's alliance with Saddam.... No, we're in Iraq to bring freedom and install democracy for its people.... No, we're in Iraq because we have to stop the Islamofascist insurgency.... No, we're in Iraq because -- because we're not going to cut and run!!!"")

BUSH/CHENEY KNOW Saddam has nothing to do with 911.
They both publicly admitted it at different times, what more proof do you need.

Taxpayer military is being used for private profit. It has nothing to do with national security and everything with private profits.

All of this is happening because these men and many that are driving and advising them are completely evil and corrupt.

Alot of them are text book psychopaths.

Clintons are no different btw.

Executive Branch of the federal government has been completely hijacked.. BUSH, CLINTON CLINTON, BUSH, BUSH, ..coming up CLINTON, CLINTON

Aristocracy for the 21st century.
These people could not care less about the average american.
These people could not care less about the constitution.
Political office is just a means to satisfy lust for power and money, that is all.

Of course regular folk have been dying due to politician's whims and desires ever since man started using fire to cook his food.

However the tragedy of US is that the sheeple are so profoundly apathetic and ignorant that they need the emperor's troops to break down their front doors and drag them to forced labour camps before they ask "is this ok?", "can I watch tv later?" and last but not least "what's happening with britney?".

Sad, very very sad.

10-11-2007, 06:02 AM
I am glad this cake walk did not cost us to much....