View Full Version : Churches

Captain Shays
06-07-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm not sure what the laws are regarding campaigning at churches but I'm sure we can circumvent them by writing letters to the leadership of churches on behalf of Ron Paul.

His positions may line up with athiests and homosexuals and pot smokers because he advocates freedom to do what you want as long as you don't cause harm to others or become a threat to their freedom. This may seem contradictory to modern Christianity but they are not. When one thinks about these things, one realizes that the government is not to be our moral authority or our conscience or designed to direct the path of our lives. Free and God fearing individuals can do better in their own lives than the government can do any day of the week and the founding fathers knew this well. After all. It was God Who made Hemp and yet by the convincing of Christians to vote against moral deprevity, corporations who thought they knew better than God made His plants illegal.
But I digress.

Jesus Christ is known as The Prince of Peace. We can tout Ron Paul as the President of Peace.

But there are many other issues that are diametrically opposed to the precepts of Christianity which are exemplified by the modern authoritarian two partiests.

They both seem to favor our membership in the United Nations which when you study its history was set up specifically to some day become a one world government. We see almost every day, month and year evidence that our leadership has subordinated our Constitution tot he will of the UN and they continue to out source our foreign policy to that corrupt orginization willing to send our children into harms way for the UN's causes which have no legitimate value relative to our national security.
In the bible, it prophesies the formation of a one world government. That was 2,000 years ago and many Christians are watching current events to see if the prophesies are about to come true. The UN is one of those prophesies and Ron Paul is strongly opposed to our membership in the UN.
The bible also mentions that while this one world government forms a cashless financial system will be established which will be authoritarian in nature and totalitarian control over all purchases, even food will be instituted through some kind of numbering system that everyone will be required to carry or actually wear.
So naturally many Christians are alarmed by the advent of the national id card which at its very inception will be required in order to get a job. Ron Paul is strongly opposed to the national id card.

I didin't intend to get long winded and mae this a dissertation so I will conclude by saying that there is no better choice for any Christian living in the United States today for president than the honorable Congressman Dr Ron Paul and we should get this message out to all Christians, and all churches in America.