View Full Version : Meetup groups in Virginia

Prester John
04-25-2010, 09:11 AM


For folks in Northern Virginia:


Shenandoah Valley:


01-17-2012, 12:03 AM
Roanoke Valley:


01-20-2012, 03:04 PM
Just joined Ron Paul Forums. We have an active group in Roanoke.
www.meetup.com/Roanoke-for-Ron-Paul-2012 ;
www.facebook.com/Roanokers4RonPaul ;
YouTube Channel: Roanokers4RonPaul ;
Email: Roanokers4RonPaul@gmail.com

I also have made contact with hundreds of folks in our area who have signed up to volunteer with the campaign committee and/or donated to RonPaul2012.com.
We would like to foster groups that are independently led & active in the 9th District & 5th District Counties bordering us. We can use the Roanoke Meetup site to help facilitate meetups/advertise events for anyone who wants to use it as a central hub for posting events.

I have signs, bumper stickers, and literature for widespread distribution. We also expect to buy more in bulk, so we encourage anyone looking to buy bulk supplies to pool funds for bigger & cheaper purchases! Please get in touch with us (preferably by joining our meetup group, our facebook group, and then use email communication for direct contact and questions)!!!