View Full Version : Impeach Obama Over Star Chamber Nation: No Execution Without Trial

04-13-2010, 11:34 PM
This is the Rubicon. They are not just talking about detaining us without charges and without our rights now. They are talking about killing us. Obama making this public shows it clearly for what it is: a gauntlet.

Obama Targets US Citizen for 'Kill or Capture': (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/4/12/856579/-Star-Chamber-Nation:-Obama-Targets-US-Citizen-for-Assassination)

The Obama Administration has authorised the targeted killing of an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, in what is believed to be an unprecedented move in the War against Terror.

The UK Times reports: (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7089899.ece#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=797093)

The decision is extraordinary not only because Mr al-Awlaki is believed to be the first American whose killing has been approved by a US President, but also because the Obama Administration chose to make the move public.

If we are not going to impeach a president over this, then what?

The man's parent's are maintaining that he is innocent, not a threat, (perhaps delusional or mentally ill?) and are frantically trying to get someone in the administration to listen to them.

To bring this to an even bigger head of steam, ex-Bush official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, has just said he will testify (http://www.truthout.org/wilkerson-cheney-bush-aware-guantamamo-detainees-were-innocent58446) that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld knew the "vast majority" of prisoners captured in the so-called War on Terror were innocent and the administration refused to set them free because of the political repercussions that would have ensued.

God help our republic.

Listen to the arrogance in this federal official's voice:

“Al-Awlaki is a proven threat,” one US official said. “He’s been targeted.”

The official forgets one thing. In America, guilt is shown only in a court of law, not a bureaucrat's office.

Of course the government doesn't lie. Brandon Mayfield, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Mayfield) an attorney charged with terrorism, would still be rotting in jail if the Spanish government itself hadn't stepped in and said they had the wrong guy. The feds acccused him in the Madrid bombings and said the fingerprint was "100% verified." But Judge Ann Aiken's said afterwards the information was largely "fabricated and concocted by the FBI and DOJ."

Or try Louis Greco in Boston (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003806833_webwrongful26.html) who spent 15 years in jail and died there for a crime he did not commit, whose family was awarded part of a $100 million settlement last year. Greco was a World War II double Bronze Star, framed for murder. Judge Nancy Gertner said the FBI "encouraged perjury, and helped frame" four men for murder in the largest settlement in history.

The government contends that at this moment the American citizen is out planning a dastardly attack for our demise. One question: Why should we believe it? It's not hard to see where this is heading. In the War on Terror the entire world is the "battlefield," including domestic soil. The definition of the "battlefield" has become meaningless. It's the "battlefield" if you are sleeping in a motel bed before the drone missile strikes. This could come in handy when a pesky reporter about to break open the new ENRON. If they can rob us blind in broad daylight, think of what they can do with no whistleblowers to worry about. Best of all, it will be completely legal, as long as one is declared "terrorist." No future prosecutions by do-gooder administrations to worry about, either.

Oh a tyrant's dream...

This power will be passed down to all future presidents, a Palin, a Romney, a Hillary Clinton, if we do not bring this to a loud and screeching halt now..

This is not left or right. The time has arrived, and history will not forgive us. Make their phones ring off the hook, slam their in-boxes.

The irony? The Bill of Rights is a 911 end-game target. IF Mossad was behind 9/11, as Army War College Professor Alan Sabrosky (http://theuglytruth.podbean.com/2010/03/14/the-ugly-truth-podcast-march-15-2010/)contends [here too] (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/19/22329/), along with its dual-citizen and American helpers, then Israeli citizens now have more rights in their country than we do in ours. The Mossad cannot target Israeli citizens for extra-judicial execution. It is we Americans who have become no more than cattle to be slaughtered at will.



04-13-2010, 11:45 PM
Jesus Christ. This is INSANE. Sure, the guy is in Yemen right now, but the steady expansion of government power since 9/11 (since...ever, actually) dictates that US citizens on US soil will be next up for this treatment, as soon as people swallow it in a few cases like this.

Oh, and how am I not surprised that most of the posters at DailyKos are too stupid to realize the incredible danger in allowing the government to declare a person's guilt from on high without a trial, and then allowing them to simply execute whoever they declare to be an enemy? The prevailing attitude seems to be, "I'm all for civil liberties, trials, and the principle that people are innocent until proven guilty, but you can take that too far, and we should make exceptions for known terrorists. I mean, they're the enemy, and they're actively trying to kill us." How fucking dense can you be?!?

Then again, I am pretty surprised, to tell you the truth. DailyKos may have always been a place for unabashed partisans, but it's difficult to comprehend how so many people's minds can be so utterly dominated by their identification with a mere party label. I expect this kind of lunacy out of Bush apologists, but my God, these are supposed to be the people who lambasted the Bushies for the same exact attitude! There are some voices of reason over there, but they're hardly forceful enough to gain prominence, and so they get lost in this sea of mindless hypocritical equivocation by partisan lemmings.

04-14-2010, 12:35 PM
Jesus Christ. This is INSANE. Sure, the guy is in Yemen right now, but the steady expansion of government power since 9/11 (since...ever, actually) dictates that US citizens on US soil will be next up for this treatment, as soon as people swallow it in a few cases like this.

Oh, and how am I not surprised that most of the posters at DailyKos are too stupid to realize the incredible danger in allowing the government to declare a person's guilt from on high without a trial, and then allowing them to simply execute whoever they declare to be an enemy? The prevailing attitude seems to be, "I'm all for civil liberties, trials, and the principle that people are innocent until proven guilty, but you can take that too far, and we should make exceptions for known terrorists. I mean, they're the enemy, and they're actively trying to kill us." How fucking dense can you be?!?

Then again, I am pretty surprised, to tell you the truth. DailyKos may have always been a place for unabashed partisans, but it's difficult to comprehend how so many people's minds can be so utterly dominated by their identification with a mere party label. I expect this kind of lunacy out of Bush apologists, but my God, these are supposed to be the people who lambasted the Bushies for the same exact attitude! There are some voices of reason over there, but they're hardly forceful enough to gain prominence, and so they get lost in this sea of mindless hypocritical equivocation by partisan lemmings.

There is hope for you friend, this was recently blogged on dailykos and I'd say the breakdown was anything but unanimous for government murder. My take is a few paid DNC/Mossad shills jump in repeatedly (it's always the same "handles" and they spend all day at it, as if they don't have a real job) and they ridicule and dissemble to try to tamp down the discussion, but there is shock and disgust on both sides of the aisle.


04-14-2010, 05:45 PM
There is hope for you friend, this was recently blogged on dailykos and I'd say the breakdown was anything but unanimous for government murder. My take is a few paid DNC/Mossad shills jump in repeatedly (it's always the same "handles" and they spend all day at it, as if they don't have a real job) and they ridicule and dissemble to try to tamp down the discussion, but there is shock and disgust on both sides of the aisle.


That's the same link I was referring to. Maybe I just caught an unrepresentative sample in my skimming though.

04-15-2010, 08:11 AM
CHARLES II was a STUART monarch, proper.
auld star chamber = elizabeth i & jamie 1+6

04-15-2010, 05:42 PM
I ask my members of Congress to Impeach Obama last March when the military went into Samson, Alabama. I was basically ignored.

03-07-2013, 05:46 PM