View Full Version : Ron Paul Conservatism vs. Other Types of Conservatism

04-13-2010, 07:07 AM
Ron Paul Conservatism: Paul is the best known of the true libertarian conservatives, and his supporters are among the most intense despite some positions that are outside the mainstream of conservative thought. He wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve, thinks we should go back to the Gold Standard, wants us to end the war on drugs, and believes that we should never have gotten involved in either Iraq or Afghanistan. He wants Congress to authorize any military action, and is against torture.

Bill Kristol Conservatism: Kristol is the principle advocate of neo-conservatism, an intellectual philosophy inherited from his father, Irving, who once famously said, “ a neo-conservative was a liberal mugged by reality.” Kristol was the perhaps the most aggressive advocate for the Iraq War, and consistently pushed for an escalation of troops in that war.

Pat Buchanan Conservatism: Buchanan has evolved from being Richard Nixon’s most pugnacious defender to being the most articulate defender of paleoconservative principles. He spoke out against both war in Iraq, and has become much more of protectionist on trade matters.

All of these different strains of conservatism have their own reasons to claim that they are the true heirs of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. They all believe that they represent the best hopes for the future of this country. And they all have their own deep concerns about some of the views of their rivals.

For example, neo-conservatives believe that the Pat Buchanans of the world are anti-Semitic. The Bull-Moosers think that the George Wallacers are crazy. The Mitt Romney wing of the party fear that Sarah Palin will be the death of the party. Everybody else thinks that the Ron Paul wingers are nuts (except, of course, the Ron Paulers).


Badger Paul
04-13-2010, 08:07 AM
He has way too many and most of what he has isn't conservatism at all. It's all different right wing social democratic factions

04-13-2010, 09:01 AM
That guy has a seriously misguided understanding of almost every person on his list.

04-13-2010, 09:31 AM
Five or six of those could be condensed into slightly different flavors of neoconservatism.

04-13-2010, 10:07 AM
Mike Huckabee Conservatism: Huckabee’s philosophy melds Christian conservatism with economic populism. As a former Baptist preacher, he believes that the government should reflect America’s Christian character, so he is in favor of prayer in school, and is a believer in Creationism, which he believes should be taught in school. Huckabee was the first Republican to understand during the campaign that the economy was struggling, and he incorporated populist messages to appeal to those who were out of work. Huckabee, who fought his own battle of the bulge, also made an issue of personal responsibility when it comes to health and nutrition.

04-13-2010, 03:27 PM
That guy has a seriously misguided understanding of almost every person on his list.

Five or six of those could be condensed into slightly different flavors of neoconservatism.


Everybody else thinks that the Ron Paul wingers are nuts (except, of course, the Ron Paulers).

Everybody else, huh? Who is this hack anyhow?

What is going with The Daily Caller? I thought it might be more anti-establishment and libertarian leaning, but it seems more like neocon establishment hackery to me. When the wikileaks vid broke, it took them all day to report it, then later they had a pretty good piece on it, after which it disappeared and was replaced with an AP or Reuters piece.

Tucker has been a huge disappointment. And the photo of Ron they put up after he won the CPAC poll? Dreadful!

04-13-2010, 03:32 PM
Like this one, for instance!

The future resurrection of Dubya (http://dailycaller.com/2010/04/13/the-future-resurrection-of-dubya/)


04-13-2010, 03:52 PM
I was hopeful for DailyCaller too, but they're just hacks who are pissed at the bank Drudge is making. I'll stick with Drudge, because at least he doesn't comment (much) on his take on things. I added much because of how Drudge words the headlines.