View Full Version : Liberty and Personal Freedom/Sovereignty = Ron Paul?

04-12-2010, 08:20 PM
Liberty and personal freedom, isn't that what Ron Paul is all about? And America?

Do you agree that if you are truly a free American, your status is the same as a King?

Is your house your castle? You are the Sovereign, right?

So you are then truly a member of the sovereign People. In more common terms, you are a King among Kings in this country.

A quick review of how that happened, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, all the People in the colonies changed from being subjects of (belonging to) the King of England, to being free, and they became Kings themselves, Sovereigns among equals.

As the descendants of those People, born on this free land, Americans are all free right?

Every 4th "Independence day" I hear that song that says "where at least I know I'm free..." and "I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today...".

So you know you are free. There's no King anymore, You don't have to report in every year directly to the King and give him his due like the subjects had to.

You own the government, it never tells you what to do. They work for you, they are the servants not the other way around. They don't take your hard earned money DIRECTLY from you and spend it any way they please.

Dammit, we are charge! So why don't we act like it?

So what is this liberty and personal freedom stuff Ron Paul talks about?

You are truly free. You don't have to ask permission from the King to do basic things, like travel from place to place to get food for your family, all you need is a license, which really isn't like getting permission from the King to use the roads that the People already paid for and ultimately own.

You don't have to ask the King for permission to get married, that would only apply to the Kings subjects, right?

At least you know you are free when so called government representatives do whatever they want, instead of listening to the "free" People.

You don't have the Kings' property tag on you, like a subject, property of the King. You don't have a serial number so he can know where you are so he can come and get his due if you don't pay, like 987-65-4321. You're not a numbered item/person, no way!

At least you were free before you were tricked into telling the government you are indigent, wanting to be a "ward of the state" because you are too incompetent to make your own arrangements to take care of yourself in your old age. (social security, you signed up! or parents did)

So basically the media is saying that YOU and every American are a "extremist", and part of some wacky "right wing" group. How do you like that?

Would you have knowingly and willingly signed away your freedom for servitude under the King (government)?

Will you now "gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today..."?

Some "extremist" big government and big central banking type of people have taken your birthright from you, they've taken your sovereignty from you by fraud, deception and word trickery (thank attorneys).

What are you going to do about it?

You can get that personal freedom and liberty back, like Ron Paul talks about, you can do it personally and as a group by simply acting like the sovereign People you truly are.

Please watch this 10 minute video to see what happened, then when you get more time away from mainstream TV, read some of the other info sites. If you don't believe it, look it up yourself at your local library.
YouTube - admiralty law, common law and the sovereign (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwZhU6uv9sA)

Don't worry, there's a way out. But you have to learn a few basics first.

Here's some other good starter info:

Please post this info far and wide.

Want more?

Why does the govt use the "interstate commerce clause" to force things down people's throats when People, human beings, are not "interstate" or in commerce? And why doesn't the govt just say to the People that "you must do this or that or else", and just forget the "interstate commerce clause"?

If the govt did have all this power then the govt wouldn't care about any laws or the constitution. Why does the govt always have to play lawyer word tricks, the "interstate commerce clause" or stretch the law as far as they can when they have all this supposed power?

Because the govt still has to follow law, they are very consistent about this. And the law here is that we the People are sovereign.

They had to trick you into signing yourself into servitude. Voluntary servitude it's called, and it's all legal. (except the trick / fraud part)

If you go into their court or do anything with them with the standing/status as one of their subjects, you really have no say. They are your masters and you better kiss their feet and do whatever they say. That's the law.

A King doesn't have to listen to his subjects, he can do what he wants. Isn't that what congress is doing? Doing what they want and not listening to the subjects?

How do you like that? Is that Liberty and freedom?

Study and learn more. Your govt run high school failed you.

If you truly want the liberty and freedom that Ron Paul is talking about, it starts with each one of us being a member of the sovereign People, standing up as that status, holding firm, asking the govt to prove you are not of that status, out in the open, out in the light, on the record.

And a little more advanced:
YouTube - Donna Kozak can help you become a Secured Party Creditor and break the corporate USA Matrix. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8GbAjm0H4)

04-17-2010, 04:42 AM
Here's a great video!
YouTube - Slavery by Consent Pt.1 (Opener) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKox3w3XXcY&feature=related)

Each part is about 10 minutes, you can easily watch a little at a time. Find the other parts in the side bar.

04-18-2010, 08:20 AM
This one is really good to start with, it's been posted in several places

YouTube - The Story of Your Enslavement (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A)

04-19-2010, 08:05 AM
Confirming that the People are sovereign:

In Chisholm v. Georgia The Supreme Court ruled,

[A]t the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects. with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty. (US) @ Dall 419, 4541 L Ed 440, 455 @ Dall 1793 pp.471-472.

In Yick Wo v. Hopkins, Sheriff, the Supreme Court ruled:

Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to the law, for it is the author and source of law, but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts... For, the very idea that one man may be compelled to hold his life or the means of living or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself. (118 U. 5. 356.)

In Scott v. Sandford, Mo. they ruled:

The words ‘sovereign people’ are those who form the sovereign, and who hold the power and conduct the government through their representatives. Every citizen is one of these people and a constituent member of this sovereignty.’ 60 US 393 404

04-21-2010, 02:00 AM
Have you heard about lawsuits against the government being dismissed because "no citizen has proper legal standing"?

Does that make any sense when most people think that we created the government, so therefore we are above them?

You need to establish the proper standing in court, your proper status, before you can proceed.

Why is this important? People have been suing the government for years trying to get information that's important to their liberty and freedom. If those cases went through, they could use the discovery process to get documents that the government isn't willing to release. They send their lawyers down to court quickly and get the case dismissed before the discovery process starts.

Understanding sovereignty is important if you really and truly wnat to gain your freedom and personal liberty back!

Please help keep this information front and center.

04-25-2010, 11:15 AM
Waivers of constitutional rights not only must be voluntary but must be knowing, intelligent acts done with a sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences.
Brady v. United States, 397 U.S. 742; 90 S.Ct. 1463 (1970)

Did you knowingly sign on to the "farm"?

04-25-2010, 01:21 PM
Well, this is discouraging. Many of us have always sensed that there is something fundamentally wrong and realized that the obfuscation of the reality of thing runs so deep it's virtually impossible to get to the bottom of it, but where does that leave us? We can not unplug like Neo and there is nothing that could legitimately be called a resistance. It seems that the best anyone can hope for, other than to run off into the wilderness and live like a hermit, is accept that you are not and will never be free in any meaningful way and find whatever happiness you can within the matrix. When the entire world as we know it is owned and controlled by the overseers, what do you do? We can not even get anywhere near the roots, so how can we ever hope to strike at them. I don't see anyway we can win.

04-25-2010, 01:36 PM
Well, this is discouraging. Many of us have always sensed that there is something fundamentally wrong and realized that the obfuscation of the reality of thing runs so deep it's virtually impossible to get to the bottom of it, but where does that leave us? We can not unplug like Neo and there is nothing that could legitimately be called a resistance. It seems that the best anyone can hope for, other than to run off into the wilderness and live like a hermit, is accept that you are not and will never be free in any meaningful way and find whatever happiness you can within the matrix. When the entire world as we know it is owned and controlled by the overseers, what do you do? We can not even get anywhere near the roots, so how can we ever hope to strike at them. I don't see anyway we can win.

The best solution so far is the Free State Project (http://freestateproject.org). While you may not be able to move to NH, or just don't like the idea of the location, I'd recommend at least supporting the efforts of those daring to lead by example. The CDEvolution fund (http://cdevolution.org) lets you contribute to the support of those brave people who are actively working to create a stronghold of peace and prosperity as against those who rule by force.

By refusing to let them rule with a gun, I don't see any way we can lose.

MN Patriot
04-25-2010, 08:46 PM
Well, this is discouraging. Many of us have always sensed that there is something fundamentally wrong and realized that the obfuscation of the reality of thing runs so deep it's virtually impossible to get to the bottom of it, but where does that leave us? We can not unplug like Neo and there is nothing that could legitimately be called a resistance. It seems that the best anyone can hope for, other than to run off into the wilderness and live like a hermit, is accept that you are not and will never be free in any meaningful way and find whatever happiness you can within the matrix. When the entire world as we know it is owned and controlled by the overseers, what do you do? We can not even get anywhere near the roots, so how can we ever hope to strike at them. I don't see anyway we can win.

We are the resistance.

Those of us who resent being slaves, and who are aware of our enslavement need to come up with a plan to overthrow the political/economic Establishment. There are many different groups with very similar goals. If they can ever be coalesced into one group, then perhaps we have a chance of living in a freer society.

We just need to come up with a plan to win back our freedom. The first order of business should be creating a third party. The Establishment fears third parties, notice how much difficulty third parties have in gaining credibility? Ballot access laws keep third parties off the ballot. The Establishment media treats third parties like extremists and kooks. Establishment shills like Hannity, etal, tell us how disruptive third parties are.

05-13-2010, 05:32 AM
I've actually heard some in congress say they serve the sovereign People.

06-05-2010, 07:00 PM