View Full Version : should the government be "too big to fail"?

03-27-2010, 02:49 PM
I was watching Arriana Huffington on some show and she was going on about some program she has started trying to get people to take their money out of the big banks and put them into local banks. That's not gonna work but it got me thinking, if liberals are so against too big to fail why are they so pro federal government?

Doesn't the same sort of thing apply? rather than some distant huge hulking bunch of millionaires controlling what we do shouldn't that control be more localized and more in touch with our regional sort of wants?

Also, isn't the massive size of these banking entities PART of the problem? "too big" to fail so we make alot more smaller banks.

IS this making ANY sense to anyone?

HOw can you lambast goldman sachs for being this international menace and support a government of larger dimensions made up of some of the exact same people as goldman sachs?

03-27-2010, 02:53 PM
I really want one bank to be closed, the Fed. Everything else will fall into place.

03-27-2010, 03:58 PM
I really want one bank to be closed, the Fed. Everything else will fall into place.


03-27-2010, 04:03 PM
Ever ask a liberal this? I'd be interested in their response. They'll probably say something like, "it won't fail," and cite other socialist countries that have a far greater role in society and haven't crumbled (the Soviet Union, Iceland, and Greece won't count). I don't know if the average liberal doesn't believe currency inflation is a bad thing or if they think we'll never see the consequences of it, but the destruction of our currency would be far worse than any other other currency. The bigger the bubble, the harder the crash.

03-27-2010, 05:05 PM
or the whole thing with local food and eating from local farms. Why put your money in a local community bank and eat from local farms only to mail yuor money to washington so they can do the political equivalent of exactly what the big banks and big agri business does?