View Full Version : Civil Purpose over Legal Precedence; The Ideal of the Truth

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
03-26-2010, 01:41 PM
While literary fiction presents reality as otherwise claiming horrible mistreatment and discrimination towards many, I know the Truth to be that fathers are burdened to take twice as much care of their daughters as they are to take care of their sons. As this has always been the Truth, it still is, and I have no doubt that it will always be the case. Don't believe me? Well, try asking my two sons and they will most certainly agree. Watching fathers care for daughters, the Lord is oftened thanked by me that I don't have any.
With all the bickering going on, is it a wonder that any man would choose to serve as the head of a dinner table? What is there to encourage him to stick around? Why is his head made so much bigger and why does he have more gelatin within it to think with?
After all, an ant colony is an example of a well run society; and, yet, all the male chores from the management, to the military defense, and to the subserviant work of it, are all handled by females. The males in an ant colony have to be tended to like babies as the female offspring that hatch instinctively care for them.
Likewise, unless they wither, female trees have no need for a male tree as they can reproduce out of the root of the mother tree asexually. But withering is important as such is necessary to reduce to the Truth.
As a father and a husband, I can tolerate my wife's tyranny as head of her household as long as she respects my ultimate authority, with this being my burden for my little sister living in bondage to a tyranny that is working her on the street.
This is a necessary tyranny or promiscuity. We can see the Lord Jesus Christ performing this easy and light burden when He left the Jewish temple abruptly to walk straight way to a prostitute to preach to her the Gospel.
So, how should I govern as head of the table? In regards to my wife's rule over the household, I should reserve as much legislation, administration, and judicial decision making as is gracefully possible. My authority should only intervene when I am burdened. This way the authority of the marriage is shared and it prospers.
As my wife's authority is responsible on the local level, so my authority works on the Federal.