View Full Version : Penthouse - An Inconvenient Fraud?

Anti Federalist
03-18-2010, 09:05 PM
One of the best articles I've read on the subject.

I'll also lift the comments of Mike Rivero at www.whatreallyhappened.com on the quality of Penthouse publishing and linking to them:

Now, before you get on my case for linking to PENTHOUSE, I would like to remind everyone that way back in 1995, Sally Denton and Roger Morris wrote an article for the Washington Post based on surviving papers from assassinated Iran-Contra pilot Barry Seal, entitled "The Crimes of"Mena."


This article detailed the evidence of government-sanctioned drug running that linked to three Presidents, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton.

(Also read Compromised by Terry Reed. - AF)

After having cleared the legal department for all possible questions of inaccurate statements, the article was scheduled for publication when just as the presses were set to roll, Washington Post Managing Editor Bob Kaiser (Like George Bush, a member of the infamous "Skull & Bones Fraternity), killed the article without explanation. Bob Kaiser refused to even meet with Sally Denton and Roger Morris, hiding in his office while his secretary made excuses.

In the end, it was PENTHOUSE magazine that had the courage to run the story that the Washington Post, the same Washington Post that did not hesitate to bring down Richard Nixon, feared to touch.

PENTHOUSE does it again.

An Inconvenient Fraud?

Al Gore and his pals in the science establishment want us to totally change our lives because of a theory that might not even be true. Have the sacred cows of global warming been gored beyond repair?

By Gerard Van der Leun • Illustration by Zachary Pullen
It was good to be Al Gore in the last part of the last decade. In the year 2000 he was the world’s biggest loser. By 2009 he was one of the world’s biggest winners after becoming the master of disaster. Flummoxed by his noninvention of the internet and his nonelection as president of the United States, Gore found a winning hand in predicting the end of the world. In the process, he received an Oscar for his film An Inconvenient Truth, the Nobel Peace Prize, and millions of dollars through his interests in companies that dealt in “carbon credits.” Gore became more of a “Comeback Kid” than Bill Clinton ever was. For most of 2009, it was still good to be King Al. But late in the year, Al Gore’s beloved internet betrayed him.

On November 17, 2009, someone, somewhere, copied some 4,000 emails and documents from a password-protected server at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in England and put them up on a free and open server in Russia for all the world to read. Whoever made these documents available was an unknown soldier of the truth. Taking the handle of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), he or she stated, “We feel that climate science is, in the current situation, too important to be kept under wraps. We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents. Hopefully it will give some insight into the science and the people behind it. This is a limited time offer, download now.”

Whether the “Deep Throat” who leaked the emails was a hacker or a mole within the CRU, he or she had an exquisite sense of timing. The files were made public just before the Copenhagen climate summit. The CRU had been one of the central institutions involved in promulgating the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming (i.e., the Earth is getting dangerously warmer than ever before in history and people are the primary force behind this threatening rise). Now it had become instrumental in the theory’s unraveling.

Founded in 1972, the CRU is one of the central generators and repositories of data sets used in climate research. These data sets from the CRU were fundamental to the theory of AGW. Over the years, data, scientific “peer-reviewed” papers, popular articles, and the United Nations’ reports on global warming were based in large part on material from the CRU. What the November 2009 release of documents demonstrated was that many of the scientists of the CRU and their collaborators around the world had been, in many ways great and small, gaming the system of science to promote their own conclusions.

The story has been dubbed “Climategate” by the media, playing off the Watergate political scandal of the 1970s. But unlike Watergate, this is a story that affects the future of the world. Almost immediately, the documents were copied from the server in Russia and spread far and wide. Within two days, a complete collection was put up at one site as a searchable database. Then the skeptics—the AGW “deniers”—and first-class computer programmers, reporters, bloggers, and the curious really got to work. After years of being stonewalled and denied access to the raw data at the CRU, people could at last take a very close look at nearly ten years’ worth of behind-the-scenes doings in climate research. What many discovered “[blew] the lid off the ‘science’ of man made global warming,” in the words of Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel. She went on to write that the documents “show a claque of scientists massaging data to make it fit their theories, squelching scientists who disagreed, punishing academic journalists that didn’t toe the apocalyptic line, and hiding their work from public view. ‘It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow,’ glumly wrote George Monbiot, a U.K. writer who has been among the fiercest warming alarmists. The documents ‘could scarcely be more damaging.’ ”

One email from the director of the CRU spoke of manipulating data and charts to “hide the decline in global temperatures” and using a “nature trick” to statistically taint other research:

read the rest:http://penthousemagazine.com/features/an-inconvenient-fraud/

03-18-2010, 09:13 PM
Good article. Here's hoping the readers will do more than just look at the pics.

03-18-2010, 09:20 PM
Interesting stuff. It makes me angry that Penthouse and Fox News seem to be the only ones covering this stuff. This is a HUGE scandal. But America has a very short memory. Even with all this evidence, I fear Americans will still eventually embrace climate change legislation.

03-18-2010, 09:32 PM
Penthouse has articles? :D