View Full Version : No Child Left Behind Overhaul - Obama's Doublespeak

03-16-2010, 01:34 PM
Obama just announced his plan for schools to rewrite the provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) “Obama Calls for Sweeping Overhaul in Education Law” by Donna Garner

Obama's Doublespeak (http://www.jbs.org/jbs-news-feed/6098-obamas-doublespeak)

Donna Garner | John Birch Society (http://www.jbs.org/)
16 March 2010

Obama just announced his plan to rewrite the provisions of No Child Left Behind (“Obama Calls for Sweeping Overhaul in Education Law (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/14/education/14child.html?ref=education)” by Sam Dillon, March 13, 2010).

I expect Obama’s poll numbers may skyrocket over this announcement because who would not want all students to be ready for college or the workforce when they graduate?

This “smoke and mirrors” plan is typical Obama rhetoric, and it is somewhat difficult to track because it is so carefully couched in education doublespeak. Let me see if I can help to clarify.

Plain and simple — Obama intends to change the way an entire generation of children thinks:

National standards → national tests → national curriculum → teachers’ salaries tied to students’ test scores → teachers teaching to the test each and every day → Obama indoctrination of our public school children

Making the Federal Government the “Teacher”

Obama’s plan will make the federal government the “teacher” in every public school classroom in 48 states (Texas and Alaska not included). How can this happen? It is being perpetrated on our nation through incremental stages that began almost the first day Obama took office.

To receive the U. S. Department of Education’s Race to the Top (http://www2.ed.gov/programs/racetothetop/index.html) (RTTT) federal funds, states have to “play the game” by committing to national standards, national tests, national curriculum, and a national database.

States must institute value-added assessments (VAA). Students’ subjectively assessed scores (the opposite of objective scoring with right-or-wrong answers) on the national tests and on various subjectively scored projects will be tracked on a national database from the individual student back to the individual teacher.

This federal knife will be held over teachers’ heads to force them to teach exactly what is in the national standards — multiculturalism, political correctness, diversity, global warming, environmental extremism, homosexuality, social justice, etc.

Teachers will then be evaluated, given merit pay, or fired based upon the subjectively assessed scores of their students.

When Common Core/Race to the Top was initiated, the public was told that the national standards would only apply to Reading and Math. On March 10, 2010, the much-awaited Common Core Standards (http://www.corestandards.org/) draft was released. What the public presumed would be the Reading standards turned out to be entitled “Common Core English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies & Science.” The title indicates that Obama and the U. S. Department of Education intend to extend their control over every aspect of the public school curriculum.

If the federal government can change the way our American children think, they can change our nation in one generation.

A Possible Example of Subjectively Scored Projects

Because of the inherent nature of portfolio assignments, they are graded subjectively based upon the opinion of the scorer.

For instance, a student could decide to produce a portfolio on the subject of “The Discrimination of Gays in the Military.” He could produce limited documented text but could be scored high if he includes zany, glitzy graphics in which he uses all sorts of techie applications.

Another student could do endless hours of research and produce a factual, well-researched, well-documented, and clearly written expository paper on “Destroying Unit Cohesiveness by Gays in the Military.” This student could be scored low because of the subjectivity of the scoring of portfolio projects.

A third student could write a fully illustrated paper with audio and film clips on her experiences as a community organizer (complete with first-person, emotion-laden victimization examples), and this portfolio project could score higher than a well-organized and well-researched expository paper on the possible illegality of ACORN’s activities.

Obama Caught in Inconvenient Situation of Breaking the Law

Obama’s inconvenient problem right now is that he and the U. S. Department of Education are in violation of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. NCLB strictly forbids the federal government from taking over the control of public schools through national standards, national tests, national curriculum, and a national database. (Please click here (http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg112.html#sec9526) to see the provisions.)

Obama is trying to change the NCLB laws as fast as he can before the public figures out that he is breaking the provisions set forth in the current law.

Obama’s Plan in Action

Last year, 48 state Governors (except for Texas and Alaska) signed the Common Core standards adoption agreements before the public was told about the national tests.

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan waited until the state contracts were signed before he made the rest of the plan clear:

* Up until the last of January (2010), the 48 states who signed the agreements thought they only had to commit to teach 85 % of the Common Core standards. In February of 2010, they were told by a deputy executive director of the Council of Chief State School Officers that states will not be allowed to pick and choose; they must use the entire national standards document word for word — 100% of them.

* National tests will be created based upon the Common Core national standards. These tests will be subjectively assessed so that social justice themes can be interwoven throughout, and students’ test grades will be dependent upon the value system of the scorers.

* To get the Race to the Top funds, states will have to be a part of the Common Core national standards.

* To get the Race to the Top funds, states will also have to implement an elaborate tracking system [a national database provided by none other than Bill Gates I feel sure] that would link student test and portfolio scores to individual teachers.

* This obviously means that teachers (whose merit pay will depend upon how their students do on the national tests and portfolios) will teach their students a national curriculum to get them ready for the national assessments.

* The vendors and lobbyists will be only too glad to develop the national curriculum. They will love dealing with The Beltway crowd rather than being required to pass their instructional materials through public hearings with conscientious citizens who check for factual errors.

* The reality is that all public school teachers will teach to the national tests and assessments created by the federal government because teachers’ salaries and employment security will depend upon it.

* Please read (http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2010/02/23/23assessment.h29.html?tkn=YWSFjb7lP0Ul6RKoCAcO2bcg Adhvfr8s6u2D&cmp=clp-edweek) the March 2, 2010 article posted on EducationWeek.org that indicates liberal-left Linda Darling-Hammond and others of her same persuasion will be in charge of developing the national tests.

* On March 4, 2010, the following states were awarded Race to the Top funding (Phase 1) with Phase 2 to be awarded in the next few months: Colorado, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Tennessee

Where Is the Media When We Need Them?

I and others who have tracked this federal takeover of the public schools by Obama and the U. S. Department of Education are very puzzled?

Why have FoxNews and other major networks not reported on this federal takeover? They have spent large amounts of time reporting on the federal takeover of healthcare but not on Obama’s plan to indoctrinate our public school students.

Where are the tea partiers who are appalled at the intrusiveness of the federal government into every aspect of our lives? Why are they not leading the efforts to uncover and defeat Obama’s plan to take over the public schools of our country?

Won’t you join with me in contacting your friends and neighbors, the tea partiers, the media, and also your elected officials? Our children are our “most important product.” Why would we put them in the hands of Obama and the federal government?

Please feel free to share my commentary with any and all. “Each one teach one” is the way to mount a grassroots effort to stop this dreadful federalization of our public schools.

Donna Garner is an educator who worked as a teacher for more than 33 years. During that time she served on the English/Language Arts/Reading (ELAR) writing team for Texas when the TEKS education standards were developed for the public schools in 1995-1997. Recently, she worked with Texas State Board of Education members and the Texas Education Agency to write new ELAR standards that were adopted in May 2008.


03-16-2010, 01:35 PM
Race to the Top: Transparency is Missing

Next Obama Push: Nationalization of Education

Federal Stimulus Almost Gone: Education Budget Woes


Texas Is Right to Quit the 'Race to the Top'

Email Congress:

Oppose Obama's Race to the Top Education Program

The Race to the Top (RTTT) is a competitive grant program (http://www.jbs.org/education-blog/5895-next-obama-push-nationalization-of-education) that pushes Obama’s comprehensive education reform package and its dictates onto school districts that volunteer to be grant recipients. For many school districts that have already suffered financial cutbacks, the temptation to sign up and forego local oversight in exchange for a subsidy and mandates is great indeed.

President Obama is set to ask Congress for an additional $1.35 billion to expand the program, with one senior official saying, “you could envision this going on until we felt like we’ve made significant progress across the country.”

The Race to the Top is, in reality, a program that would centralize education further than it already is, taking control away from local elected school boards and the state, placing it squarely under the dictates of the federal government via a national curricula, standardized testing, longer school days, a closer partnering with community-based organizations for expanded influence, expanded database systems, and added emphasis on students’ emotional and social development along with their personal health care.

Meaningful reform will happen only after we abandon the assembly line, one-size-fits-none pedagogy and return to the true basics of education controlled by elected school boards with parental input at the local level.

Contact your representative and senators in Congress today (http://www.votervoice.net/link/clickthrough/ext/87654.aspx) and insist that they refrain from further funding RTTT. Also contact your state legislators and your state governor (http://www.votervoice.net/link/clickthrough/ext/87655.aspx), letting them know that withdrawal from federal money and control is the only solution to retaining any amount of local determination in educational matters. Then you can engage your local school board members in a discussion to help educate them on the issue, alerting them to the dangers of the unbreakable chains that come with federal money.

Thank you,

John Birch Society

Email Congress:

03-16-2010, 01:49 PM
good article...thanks!