View Full Version : Cuéntame Exposing TeaBagger Racism

03-11-2010, 03:56 PM

¡Hola Friends, Colleagues and Supporters!,

As hosts of Cuéntame we want to tell you a bit about ourselves, the project and about our latest campaign against Tea Party racism and violence.

Both Ofelia and I have seen with great sadness and frustration how Tea Partiers have unjustly and unfairly targeted the Latino community to further their political agenda. This is why our latest campaign exposing Tea Party racism has hit a nerve, not only within the Latino community but also with many folks across the country who like us are fed-up of all the hatred, the violence and the bigotry peddled by teabaggers.

From calling Mexicans "filthy, stinking animals," to listening the likes of Tom Tancredo and Sarah Palin deliver hateful speech after hateful speech to the increase use of violence in their words and actions, Teabaggers have come out in full force against our community.

We are fed up and are ready to fight back. You can help us not only by watching and spreading our videos, but also by joining our page and recruiting your friends - Latino or not - to do the same:

See Facebook page for videos

03-11-2010, 05:49 PM
The "latino" community could show they don't condone leaching off the system and berate their own "people" when they do. But of course, all we hear is crickets...or worse - the Tea Party is racist. Sounds like "guilty as charged" to me.

03-11-2010, 05:59 PM
Obama and his government hacks has to be tied to this somehow. Follow the trail. ;)

03-11-2010, 06:06 PM
I watched it for about a minute before muttering "racebaiters" and moving on/

03-11-2010, 06:13 PM
Being against illegal immigration isn't racist.

03-11-2010, 06:27 PM
Expect media "hit pieces" against the Tea Party movement. And that includes fake/staged situations where "members" of the Tea Party will say many nasty things in front of a camera (and hidden cameras). Its 2010 people should know how things work by now...

As for the "racism" thing, many mexicans seem to be the worst racist of them all. But we all know that only people of European origin can be racist... :rolleyes:

But i find their Aztlan crap hilarious :D I also think its funny how they choose to ignore that they are not pure South Americans natives (real natives are treated like sh*t in Mexico) but mestizos...