View Full Version : "Conspiracy" Gone Mainsteam

03-09-2010, 02:02 PM
Something's going on here. The MSM has something to gain by giving airtime to the rise in their publicity with Ventura on the Today Show and all that. My question is why?

I think its to: capitalize on a popular culture and marginalize/neutralize dissent by bringing 'Conspiracy' into the mainstream. And they can do this because, after many generations of demoralization into our minds, they majority of people either 1. Dont care if the Gov lies, and/or 2. Dont believe that the Gov lies.

So either way, its a win for the establishment.

Even more so, when 'conspiracy' turns into a side show, parallel to that of Monday Night Football. Just for the sake of sport, it gets us no where, awakening no one.

It's a dangerous trap, and I think the MSM and dupes within the movement are using it to their advantage.

IMO, people needed to up their game and unite the Liberty/Truth movement into bullet proof ideology. It's less about finding the truth, and more about knowing it.

03-09-2010, 02:05 PM
Ya I'm ok with doing what needs to get done to get Schiff and Rand elected, but if we think that ignoring the elite and their secretive activities and behind the curtains plans are going to help us in the long run then we fail.

It's important to stand up for the truth.

The MSM is going to do what they are going to do.. I dunno if they will ultimately help us or hurt us. The truth is on our side, so they might end up hurting themselves by bringing it out into the mainstream. It all depends on how well they are able to control the dialogue.

03-09-2010, 02:21 PM
As soon as I seen the title that's exactly what I thought.... they know they can't continuously keep it under the covers, thanks to the current day internet, so they have to pull it out and parade it around pretending to actually address some of the issues. Propagandizing conspiracies, hmmmm.

03-09-2010, 02:33 PM
Without a doubt, the MSM is there to hurt freedom and truth. They control the dialogue, thus reality. The power does what it wants, and we are not in power when it comes to the MSM.

It is our biggest obstacle IMO.They can make or break a movement. If we can't beat them at their game, that they own and control, then we will ALWAYS lose.

Pardon the cliches in advance, BUT, Let's face it. The majority of Americans 80% or more, live, eat and breath in front of a tube. They are programmed with reality. WE know how the system works, THEY don't. Even if the tube wants to 'fuck' with a sheep, and hit them with real 'truth' or 'stimulate questions', they (sheep) are so ingrained into a matrix, the truth has no effect or awaking. In fact it works opposite, it reinforces their slumber and marginalizes truth into conspiracy. There's no catchy term for that one, other than what I call 'reality reversal'. Where lies are sold as truth, and truth as lies.

I watched a powerful documentary.. JBS Behind the Big News. I think, if this was updated, to again, expose how the MSM is a tightly controlled deceptive machine, package it in a 1.5hr film, then we might really wake some people up. It think its our only hope at this point.

03-09-2010, 03:55 PM
I'm taking a class about images, my professor says to us we are currently living in a matrix, like in the movie :D

03-09-2010, 05:04 PM
I'm taking a class about images, my professor says to us we are currently living in a matrix, like in the movie :D

He's a damn genius!

Hey, thanks the MSM, that Coffee party thing is not to reclaim the Tea Party from the Neocons, but is in opposition to Tea Party Patriots.
Of course that is the perception they are portraying. Their reality will win.