View Full Version : VT Gubernatorial Candidate Confronts the Dems About the Wars and Secession

03-08-2010, 08:52 AM
Secessionist Gubernatorial Candidate Dennis Steele attended last night's Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates forum. When questions from the audience were allowed for, he asked if they would do everything in their power to bring home the VT National Guard, to block future deployments, and, if the Federal Government refuses to acquiesce to such an agenda, if they would consider Vermont Independence. An interesting conversation ensued; check it out at: http://freevermontradio.org/Live_Archive/political/Dennis_Steele_gubernatorial_debate.html

03-09-2010, 11:28 AM
First, Peter Shumlin is a tool.
Second, Racine is a tool.
Third, Markowitz is a tool. Oh my word... she's "the standard bearer of democracy". She's the queen of turning a blind eye to voting fraud.
Fourth, (Is that Dunne?) Not AS bad as the rest but still a tool.
Fifth, Bartlett is supposedly secession-friendly but I didn't hear it in her statement.

Gotta love Dennis :)

03-09-2010, 04:22 PM
I really believe we're nearing the liberty Tipping Point lately. You've got Vermonters seriously considering secession, Arizona drafting a state sovereignty bill, Montana declaring non-cooperation with federal ammunition laws, etc. Things are looking up on all the state and local fronts!