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10-08-2007, 11:23 AM

Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul on opposite sides of GOP Freedom vs. Security Debate
Maple Brown
Published 10/06/2007 - 6:32 p.m.

Maple Brown

Analysis- Rudy Giuliani vs. Ron Paul. The Republican Presidential nomination is totally up for grabs and may be decided on the issues of freedom and security. On one end of the spectrum there is Rudy Giuliani who is running on a pro-war pro-security campaign theme. On the other side is Republican juggernaut Ron Paul who is running on a pro-freedom anti-war campaign.

Giuliani is touting his record as New York City Mayor and his crises management during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Enjoying enormous popularity for his role in the aftermath of those attacks Rudy Giuliani is attempting to parlay that political capital into the presidency.

So far Giuliani has been able to minimize his mostly liberal political views on domestic policies within the Republican primary by sticking to the national security issues of war and security.

Giuliani’s position may be vulnerable wrapping of his political future on security since he essentially was considered the Mayor of an illegal alien sanctuary city in New York. Especially when considering that some of the 9/11 terrorists were here illegally after over staying their visas and all of them were not born in America.

Although Giuliani now talks tough on illegal immigration his credibility may be damaged on the issue not just because of his record but because he seems to be using language quite similar to Newt Gingrich’s when he speaks of what most see as a national ID card.

By contrast Ron Paul is running on his record as a congressman that vigorously defended the U.S. constitution, opposed the Iraq war, opposed the Patriot Act, and has been a champion of individual liberty. Paul also says he will eliminate federal income taxes, restore freedom, and disengage from trade agreements that infringe on U.S. sovereignty.

Ron Paul says that he will repeal the police state, withdraw troops from Iraq and protect and defend the borders of the United States as mandated by law. Ironically the peace and freedom candidate may come off as more credible with regards to national security when he says he will protect U.S. borders and stop illegal immigration.

Rudy Giuliani is seen as candidate that was an effective executive office holder that was tough on crime as mayor of New York City. A crises manager that can get things done.

Ron Paul is seen as a civil rights leader dedicated to constitutional liberty.

Giuliani says he can beat Hillary Clinton. So does Ron Paul when he points out that he cast a vote against the Iraq war when Hillary Clinton voted for the war.

Giuliani, a media favorite, has 16 million cash on hand. Ron Paul, still practically ignored by the media, has about 5.3 million in cash.

Giuliani’s campaign theme appears to be one that says there can be no freedom without security. Ron Paul’s campaign seems to be saying freedom is security. This debate is likely to sharpen as the campaign goes on. (Discuss your favorite candidate on www.usadaily.net)

10-08-2007, 11:34 AM
Re-post :)