View Full Version : Club for Growth will finally feature Ron Paul's economic record.

10-08-2007, 07:34 AM
On the Club for Growth's Homepage, http://clubforgrowth.org/, they feature the economic records of the "1st Tier" candidates as well as Huckabee and Brownback. They have been on there for several weeks. No Ron Paul. So I emailed one of their staff and he emailed me back, stating that Ron Paul's record will be on in a couple of weeks.

Be forewarned, this could easily become a hit piece. The Club has given Ron relatively low ratings in the past. They don't consider constitutionality when they evaluate a vote. For example, voting for vouchers, voting for NAFTA, CAFTA, etc., are considered "pro-growth" votes. Basically, the votes seem to be along the lines of what a beltway libertarian would consider to be pro-freedom. Lots of people I consider to be big-government conservates get near perfect scores.

10-12-2007, 04:59 PM
Romney, Guiliani and Thompson are featured speakers. Did they forget to invite Dr. Paul?

Either way, it would be good if some DC area Ron Paul Spammers could educate this
group about the R3voLution.

When: October 17th
Where: Washington D.C at the Grand Hyatt Hotel

Some info here: http://www.clubforgrowth.org/2007/08/save_the_dates.php
