View Full Version : The GOP Tea Party Take Over

Matt Collins
03-03-2010, 04:39 PM


Juan McCain
03-03-2010, 05:32 PM
Good article. but I don't get the 'more conservative on social issues' part -
the code word for "pro-life" while Ron Paul is the leading advocate for the sanctity of life.

"Tea Party protests . . . took on a more traditional Republican image, more hawkish on foreign policy,
more conservative on social issues.” Less Ron Paul, more Sarah Palin.
Talk of abolishing the Fed gave way to partisan shouts about Obama’s socialism."

"In Texas, the Tea Party is even threatening to swallow Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas Republican
whom many still call the Father of the Tea Parties. While his 2008 presidential campaign
helped inject the Tea Party language back into popular discourse, his
three congressional primary challengers this year all claim allegiance to the Tea Party.
Paul’s sins, according to them, are in foreign policy."