View Full Version : Don't Be fooled

02-28-2010, 11:55 AM
The Tea Party and Ron Paul have much in common, but not according to the media who is trying to divide the two...divide and conquer.


You are also likely aware of the attempt to divide Ron Paul supporters from each other as well.

02-28-2010, 01:06 PM
I was a young girl during the 60's demonstrations. Reports say that the President was afraid of the anti-war demonstrations outside of his White House window. He reported to an aid that he was afraid they (demonstrators) would storm the White House.

Shortly after that many things changed:
1. access to the White House lawn became more restrictive
2. Some colleges began proclaiming that Marijuana was safer than cigarettes, and LSD was the miracle mind opener.
3. The CIA (since the 50's) been experimenting with drugs as mind control agents

Some of the protesters fell for the propaganda, and began experimenting with these drugs. The media quickly began labeling all protesters as "Hippies" and "Flower Children". The over trusting public of the time, bought it hook line and sinker.

