View Full Version : Birther issue in AZ

02-28-2010, 07:24 AM
they keep saying "but we showed it, we showed it" -- but you didn't, you didn't, it was a fake one!

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Obama-Birther-Row-Resurfaces-As-US-Prepares-For-Crucial-Mid-Term-Elections/Article/201002415560734?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article _Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15560734_Obama_Birther_Row_Resurfaces_ As_US_Prepa

But J D Hayworth, who is running against former presidential candidate John McCain in the race to be Arizona Senator, questioned Obama's credentials on a radio show.

McCain, who lost out to Obama in 2008, criticised Hayworth for giving oxygen to the 'birther' debate.

And supporters at one of Hayworth's rallies openly questioned the president's right to be in office.

Alan Becker said: "If it was in question and someone questioned me about my birth certificate I would give it to them and say 'Here it is'.

"Why can't he do that?

Stary Hickory
02-28-2010, 08:27 AM
Hmm who knows? Is it arrogance? He feels he needs not prove is qualifications? Personally I think he has something to hide for some reason. There has been a ton of evidence that has come out against Obama that would normally send our conspiracy theorists here spinning.

But who can know, there is no discussion about it allowed. Complete blackout. Makes me think of Soviet Russia or the Nazi regimes.

02-28-2010, 08:32 AM
Authorities in Hawaii have provided an electronic record of Obama's birth because the paper copy was destroyed in a fire which wiped out much of the state's archives.


Really? I hadn't heard that before I don't think.

02-28-2010, 09:20 AM
I just read an article on Politico that birthers will be purged from the tea parties. This viewpoint is to be treated as extremism by the GOP and media allies from this point on. Most websites are now banning members who bring the topic up.

I hope he beats McCain as an F.U to this Orweillain system that constructs these parameters for us to stay in. It would be nice for someone outside these parameters to say to hell with it, and actually win because of it. This is America, and there should never be any restrictions on what to say or think. Robust debate should be the norm, not the exception.

02-28-2010, 09:29 AM
Ack... "He's a Truther"..... "He's a Birther".....

What in the world will be the next name to call somebody who is looking for the truth about something? Perhaps there will soon be the term "Sciencer" for those who don't go along with the accepted way science looks at things. Is has been a crime for centuries to challenge the accepted 'in the box' thinking of the established close minded big wigs. Remember, the Sun used to orbit around the Earth.

Best they can do is try to make everybody who wants some sunshine, look like some kind of a kook.

Juan McCain
02-28-2010, 10:21 AM

giving "oxygen" to this . . .

Does John McCain need a lawsuit for a refund of the contributions (?)
to understand that he swindled the Republican Party and it's contributors by
even running for the U.S. Presidency under the false pretense of being actually eligible
to have ever been administered the oath of office by a Supreme Court Chief justice defending
First Chief Justice John Jay and George Washington's clear stipulation of a native born commander-in-chief -

US - giving it oxygen . . . while McCain looks more like he's holding his breathe on this . . .


McCain will next suggest FDA regulations for oxygen as it is a vitamin supplement
- it is a "no-brainer" he says.

It is just sad Arizonians have been buying into the cow dung that has come out his orifice.

02-28-2010, 10:31 AM
I will be voting for John McCain simply because JD Hayworth is a birther and his supporters are crazy motherfuckers. Anyways there's not much difference between the two except John is a bit more respectable for going against torture.

It would be soooo difficult (impossible) to fake a passport, travel to Pakistan, fake a birth certificate and run for President of the US.

The Arizona legislature is only playing this up to the weak neocons who are so dumb that the only bad thing they can say about Obama is that he is either Muslim or not American. (They actually think there is a difference between Obama and Bush, and right now they would be crying to have Bush/Cheney back in office.)

I'd vote for a dog turd before i'd want another 6 years of mccain.

Juan McCain
02-28-2010, 10:39 AM
It would be soooo difficult (impossible) to fake a passport, travel to Pakistan,
fake a birth certificate and run for President of the US.

The U.S. Supreme Court would never stand in the way to deny U.S. citizens passports or travel -
so no need to obfuscate the truth about McCain.

McCain is a U.S. citizen born legitimately to U.S. citizen parents . . . albeit abroad - not on U.S. soil.

But just "U.S. citizenship" has never been the true issue in regards to the requirements
as delinated by the Supreme Court to run for the commander-in-chief position,
and as clearly specified in the Constitution of the United States.

"Pay back the money you took under that false pretense Senator McCain"
- is still the rally cry.

02-28-2010, 10:54 AM
I will be voting for John McCain simply because JD Hayworth is a birther and his supporters are crazy motherfuckers. Anyways there's not much difference between the two except John is a bit more respectable for going against torture.

It would be soooo difficult (impossible) to fake a passport, travel to Pakistan, fake a birth certificate and run for President of the US.

The Arizona legislature is only playing this up to the weak neocons who are so dumb that the only bad thing they can say about Obama is that he is either Muslim or not American. (They actually think there is a difference between Obama and Bush, and right now they would be crying to have Bush/Cheney back in office.)

he didn't have to fake a passport -- he just used his Indonesian passport he had through being adopted by the Indonesian his mom married, he went to Indonesian schools which I'm told require Indonesian citizenship to attend.

and he didn't have to show a BC anywhere to run -- all the states only require the candidate to sign a statement that they are eligible.

how many times are these things going to have to be repeated for people to get them?


Juan McCain
02-28-2010, 11:00 AM
. . . there's not much difference between the two except . . .

Do ya' really want a list on this erroneous claim . . . ?

First, before idealogy I can start with age . . .
for the November 2010 Arizona Senate election date -
(both have summer birthdays - McCain on the weekend after the August 24, 2010 AZ GOP Primary race) :

John Sidney McCain III - 74
John David Hayworth - 52

and then we start with the good stuff . . .

YouTube - John McCain vs. John McCain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioy90nF2anI)

Juan McCain
02-28-2010, 11:23 AM
Wikipedia Jus Soli.

Wikipedia jus soli only seems to supports what I contend . . .

But thanks . . . I'll be sure to scour through it well and
then I will just make the necessary corrections to the Wikipedia article,
just to help further any ambiguity of law you still may have.

The Supreme Court is our defender of the U.S. Constituion . . .
and regarding the issue of McCain I brought into the thread
(it is not the very different Obama situation)

"We start from the premise that the rights of citizenship of the native-born
and of the naturalized person are of the same dignity and are coextensive.
The only difference drawn by the Constitution is that only the 'natural born' citizen is eligible to be President."
Schneider v. Rusk, 377 U.S. 163 (1964)

Schneider v. Rusk, 377 U.S. 163 (1964), was a United States Supreme Court case
which invalidated a law that treated naturalized and native-born citizens differentially
under the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.

Other Supreme Court decisions have correctly equated the "natural" born requirement -
as intended by John Jay in his letter to George Washington at the Constitutional Convention -
as precisely meaning "native-born".

The Supreme Court words "native-born" and study of Jay and Washington and the
intent of the convention make the case against McCain's charade GOP bids 2000 - 2008.
No credence should be given to those "naturally he was born a citizen" and a "natural birth" by a non C-section junk, baloney, hogwash found on Yahoo questions or other sites.

02-28-2010, 11:26 AM
He had to use his American passport to travel to Indonesia. He already showed his birth certificate and newspaper announcement, asking for anything more is a waste of time and I'm glad he isn't giving airtime to these whackos.

you said:
He had to use his American passport to travel to Indonesia.

that would be where you are wrong, also -- children don't need passports, they go with their parents, I believe.


Juan McCain
02-28-2010, 11:44 AM
United States vs Wong Kim Ark

The constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words [citizen and natural born citizen],

That is obvious that maybe not to your knowledge, but that is certainly NOT at all true . . .
both the constitutional convention proceedings -
particularly of a session that occurred in late August 1787,
as recorded in The Federalist Papers of (mostly) Madison and Hamilton,
and a wealth of historical accounts and volumes of books . . .
as well of course, as the actual letter John Jay wrote to George Washington in July 1787 -
ALL well define the full meaning and intent of those words . . .

And confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court precisely as "native-born".

The suggestion that President Chester Arthur may have been born across the border of Vermont -
technically in Canada - would also suggest that this issue would never have come up
without that very same strict interpretation of Jay's and Washington's explicit words and intent.

Soon to be ex-Senator McCain fails on this hands down.