View Full Version : The Heroic Left-Right Peace Conference

02-25-2010, 12:16 PM

Dan McCarthy of The American Conservative invited YAL's Nick Leavens, Shaun Bowen, and me to attend a bipartisan peace conference (http://prorev.com/2010/02/eight-hours-in-basement-for-peace.html) last week. Attendees came to the meeting hoping to form a broad antiwar coalition. Disagreements arose, but we are unified in opposition to Obama's wars and the bipartisan foreign policy of empire.

The meeting, organized by Voters for Peace chair Kevin Zeese, and former Pat Buchanan campaign official George O'Neill, included in its guestlist:

* An economist from a naval war college who previously served as the chief energy economist in President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers.
* Two officials of Veterans for Peace, including the organization's chief executive.
* Katrina van Heuvel, publisher of The Nation, aka "The flagship of the left."
* A regular contributor to Rolling Stone, and a contributing editor at The Nation,
* A Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute
* An editor from Reason Magazine
* Independent Journalist Sam Smith of Progressive Review
* Peace activist Murray Polner, who coauthored a book with Tom Woods.
* A student leader of the famous Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
* Ralph Nader. Yes, that Ralph Nader.
* Author Bill Kaufmann, who seeks to revive Old Right-style antiwar conservativism
* American Conservative senior Editor Dan McCarthy, along with us YAL kids.

Sound bipolar? You have no idea. Yet our interactions were cordial and productive. Good ideas that attendees came up with included:

* A bipartisan press release of sorts, against the wars and the empire.
* Establishing a website with a cohesive, unifying mission statement.
* A cross-country campus tour, whereby liberal and conservatives activists would together speak against the wars.
* Pro-peace student groups on the left and the right working together.
* Outreach to key groups such as veterans, academics, and business leaders.

I bet a formidable coalition will come out of this. These weren't political hacks, but true believers in peace. Keep your eyes pealed for future updates about this at yaliberty.org. We'll be looking for authentic and articulate anti-war folks of all ideologies.

02-25-2010, 07:45 PM
Eight Hours in the Basement for Peace (http://votersforpeace.us/press/index.php?itemid=4043)

02-25-2010, 07:58 PM
I always wondered why they just rolled over since Obama got elected. Good to know I was wrong.

dr. hfn
02-25-2010, 08:40 PM
a new American Anti-Imperialist League!

02-25-2010, 08:51 PM
thanks so much for sharing. -have been hoping for this for a long time... -will check their website...

02-25-2010, 08:56 PM
the link to the website is changed to:
