View Full Version : Glenn Beckstabber - Don't judge Beck by his cover

02-24-2010, 06:29 AM

Glenn Beckstabber
Posted by David Kramer on February 23, 2010 05:32 PM

More glaring proof (like we actually needed any) that “anti”-Establishment Glenn Beck is the current Number One media shill for the One World Government/New World Order gang. In this article (page 3), Glenn has “seen the light” and acknowledges that anthropogenic global warming is real:

“You’d be an idiot not to notice the temperature change,” he says. He also says there’s a legit case that global warming has, at least in part, been caused by mankind. He has tried to do his part by buying a home with a “green” design and using energy-saving products. “I’m willing to do anything but use the CFLs,” he says of compact fluorescent light bulbs. “I put them in once and couldn’t stand the way they lit up the room.”

Actually, you’d be an idiot to believe any “scare” story that the Establishment media put out. Considering the money Beck earns from one of the biggest Establishment media outlets, my guess is that Beck is no idiot.

[Thanks to Rolf Lindgren]

here's the link to the original article, part in question is on page 3...

Don't judge Beck by his cover

here are some headlines from it... :)

He bonds with George Clooney
He has many liberal pals
He has battled drugs and booze
He once went religion shopping
Britney Spears "made" his career
He believes in global warming
He knows he can be a jerk