View Full Version : The Scariest Part of Vampire Movies

Captain Shays
02-22-2010, 02:17 PM
Do you guys remember the old vampire movies when at the end some brave soul finally got to thrust the pointed stake into the vampire's heart? There was always the part where there was a fight between the hero and the vampire where the hero almost bite the dust. It was always the most suspense ridden part either with the hero creeping up on the vampire while he was laying in the coffin or the fight between the two. Then when that stake was finally thrust into the vampire's heart his head would thrash back and forth and his face would change as he was dying. The music got louder, the windows broke and he turned into first a demonic looking creature and then into bones and then finally dust or a bat before it flew away into the night.

Well, that is the image I get in my mind as the Republicans are faced with a growing sentiment against their foreign policy which is really the foreign policy that has historically been championed by the progressive globalist Democrats. But, now under the guise of "We're strong on defense" the modern Republicans champion the same thing. Sticking our noses in other country's business, getting us involved in wars for the UN (Iraq was to enforce UN resolutions showing the Bush administration had a higher degree of interest in enforcing them than even the UN Security Council did).

Most of the Republicans stood behind Bush going into Iraq and them along with their mainstream media cohorts helped to convince Americans that Saddam had something to do with 911. The rest said the world is a safer place because he's out of power. They ALL want to keep policing the world and now favor preemptive war.

Now comes Ron Paul and his Tea Party movement which was born out of his presidential bid and many of us were here and remember when it started. The Republicans and their talking militaristic heads who are inside out Democrats are attempting to co-opt the movement as their own. They actually believe that so many Americans have woken up to the Republican Party as evidenced (in their minds) by the turn of events on Virginia, New Jersey and in Mass with Scott Brown. At least they do acknowledge that the Tea Party had an effect on the outcome of all those elections and that we're a force to be reckoned with and so do the Democrats by their attempts to discredit us. What neither of them seem to recognize or or admit openly is the Ron Paul affect that is closely associated with the Tea Party and the growing sentiment against BOTH the major parties. Recently poll results show that the majority of eligible voters are registered as Independents. IN 7 states, there are actually more registered Independent voters than Republican and Democrat COMBINED. But, the largest demographic of them all are those who are eligible to vote but don't vote. Look, without reading into it why they don't vote, or speculating on who they might vote for if they do vote, the fact of the numbers is that if they don't vote, then they don't vote for Democrats or Republicans in just about EVERY election.The Tea Party has shown that many of them are becoming more and more active. On that note, I might ad that whenever there has been a viable third party candidate, they statistically increase the voter turnout and voter participation. So even though the Republicans have benefited from the increased involvement of late, they are in for a rude awakening. The internet is having an increasing influence on the dynamic and the flow of real information in this country which is having an equally proportional effect on the outcome of elections. The paradigm is shifting in dramatic ways and Ron Paul and the internet is largely responsible for it. Either way the American people are increasingly finding that they don't agree with either of the major parties. Hear that Republicans?

What are the Republicans going to do when they are faced with reverting back to true Constitutional principles and the foreign policy based in well armed neutrality and non interventionism as advocated by our founding fathers as opposed to the antithetical foreign policy of the Democrats which they have more than embraced under the guise of "being strong on defense" which is completely unsustainable and driving us deeper and deeper into debt while making us more enemies to fight in the future?

They are either going to start to act like Republicans again and start to rightfully place the blame on all the unnecessary wars that the Dems got us into, the nuclear bombs the Dems threw at civilian populations, the unsustainable social programs that have driven us $107 TRILLION into debt along with their Federal Reserve System........ or, when we get too close to exposing them as frauds and vampires who along with their progressive Democratic cohorts will begin to thrash about back and forth, frothing at their open mouths and it will be the scariest part of our nightmare. But then, once we finally thrust that stake through their hearts a new day will dawn.

Movie over.