View Full Version : Developing an American science

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-22-2010, 12:39 PM
Because the United States is the only nation to be founded on truths or the Truth, we need to develop a unique existential science which serves the people holding their Civil Purpose supreme over all legal precedents, past traditions, or any future happening yet to occur.
One way to do this is to reclassify the socalled "cognizant" sciences as fields in the arts. In other words, the cognizant sciences do not narrow down to truths or to the Truth as the physical sciences do, but they manifest themselves in an endless number of methods just like the arts do. How many different methods of psychology exist? 12? More? As I am not a scientist, I am not qualified to make one up. As an artist though, I can make one up on the fly. And this is how it should be in a nation where people are existentially the central purpose. While it isn't scientifically possible to help all the mentally ill people living on our streets, it is possible for the starving artist to do so.
I think this is one of the important points where the world started going wrong. As physical science once served the people, the cognizant sciences started looking into the personal natures and minds of the people. The cognizant scientists then led the natural scientists away from serving the people's Civil Purpose.

02-22-2010, 12:56 PM
Emanual, I'm not sure America is the only nation founded on truths. I'm not even sure America is a nation. It's more appropriately a collection of states. I think the idea of America having invented democracy and rational government is nothing more than propaganda.

Here's a small discussion on that issue.


Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-22-2010, 01:52 PM
Emanual, I'm not sure America is the only nation founded on truths. I'm not even sure America is a nation. It's more appropriately a collection of states. I think the idea of America having invented democracy and rational government is nothing more than propaganda.

Here's a small discussion on that issue.


In fellowship, our Founding Fathers established our nation using natural law. Natural law science was the method in use during that day as opposed to today's theoretical science for example. As there existed no such thing as the cognizant sciences, afterall, Immanuel Kant, the father of epistemology and co-father of the French Revolution (the catalyst for the cognizant sciences) and peer of our Founding Fathers, the method of natural law was used strictly in the physical sciences. Therefore, we got Locke's natural rights! This is a right that literally reduces down like DnA to be guaranteed in the human soul, not the kind of civil right that is guaranteed by legal precedence.

02-22-2010, 02:37 PM
The "Truths" America was founded on are mostly game rules.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
02-23-2010, 10:14 AM
The "Truths" America was founded on are mostly game rules.

We hold these truths to be self evident that "America was founded on mostly game rules"? This is the one and only, narrowed down, political natural law?