View Full Version : Beck, Rush, Palin, Hannity, etc. Most who Love/Hate them are both wrong!

02-21-2010, 04:48 PM
Beck, Rush, Palin, Hannity, etc.

I think most of those who love/hate them are wrong, in that they either
have blinders on defending them or in condemning them, and both then
are equally condemning, reflexively, all who disagree with their position.

That's not how you ever convince somebody to re-consider their position.

In both camps, that simple minded black/white thinking, IMO, is immature,
and lazy and can even be dangerous, as both camps then have much more
in common with Obamabots.

Critical thinking is hard work discerning the good/bad/ugly instead of just
blindly supporting one extreme position, dismissing all opposing it as nuts.

For me, and it's a continually developing and fine-tuning process that always
invites and encourages healthy debate, where I also always reserve the right
to change my mind as I get new information, has gotten me to my current
opinion about Beck, Palin, Rush, and Hannity...

I really like Beck and Palin and Rush and Hannity for what they say and
reveal about Obama, his administration, democrats, socialism, etc., but
hate when they don't also expose the threats to our freedoms via the
RINO's. Especially, when they support them, which they usually do. They
siphon off all our righteous indignation against these freedom destroying
evils, into supporting their RINO's, who are often complicit with Demo's
in their disdain for strictly following the Constitution.

(RINO is Republican In Name Only, a Democrat-Lite if you will, one who
has shown they don't put the Constitution first & foremost before party.)

I think Beck, Palin, Rush, etc., be they generally good people or not, and it
doesn't really matter, are doing a tremendous amount of good waking up
people to the democratic evils all around us. But, I think, too, that the general
TeaParty sentiment growing throughout the general public has an even better
collective sense that we can't also keep settling for the lessor of two evils the
Republicans too often usually serve up in the fall, just to beat the Democrat.
We've all seen for decades now how that's been working out, and it's why
we are where we're at, thus clearly we need to keep seeking a better way.

It's pretty evident that Beck and Palin and the rest want to harness and steer
the TeaParty movement in behind their Republican establishment candidates
to defeat the Democrats, who would like to just as eagerly demonize and
derail them all. But, is that really the only and best strategy to defeat evil?

I think the better course we hear from many in the TeaParty is to instead
find early on, raise up and then support true Constitutional candidates
where ever you can find them, on your local, state and national level, and
regardless of whether they run as Republicans, Democrats, or Independents.

I want whoever will most take their oath of office to heart to "support and
defend the Constitution" regardless of party they run under to get there, or
who does or does not endorse and support them.

When I see and hear Beck, Palin, Rush, etc., saying and doing that, well...,
that's why I reserve my right to fine-tune and change my opinion of them.

Currently, I see them solely supporting Republicans first, even if a RINO, and
whether or not they are also truly a Constitutionalist is secondary to them.

It's not to me, and that's where I draw the line, and keep finding later that
they have disappointingly crossed it again supporting and settling for a RINO,
just because he/she is a Republican running against a worse Democrat.

Take from Beck, Palin, Rush, etc., all the good information and insights they
offer up about the evils of democrats and socialism, I applaud and support
them all for that important and vital work, but don't also then follow them
if/when they ever propose settling for anything less than a Constitutionalist
who won't ever compromise in fighting those evils they have so ably identified
and warned us all about.

Yes, they are out there, but you can't be lazy waiting on your favorite political
pundit to find and raise them up for you, nor be dissuaded from supporting
them if/when they fail to later embrace them.

The pundits have demonstrated, when push comes to shove, they will always
opt for, and settle for, the establishment candidate rather than a more and
better Constitutionalist, convinced it's better than risking letting a Democrat
win. I contend that that there is enough TeaParty sentiment now unleashed
that, if not hijacked by the establishment and their pundits, we can together
all do much better.

But, that won't happen if not enough people get off their lazy thinking of only
and blindly loving/hating all these pundits and whatever they propose without
the hard work of critically thinking through the good/bad/ugly they propose.

You've got to get involved in the process early on, well before the primaries
ideally, if we are to have any hope in the fall of having more candidates we
want to eagerly vote for, instead of only the usual lessor of two evils, where
we grudgingly go, holding our noses, to really vote against somebody worse.

These pundits, all of them, are part of the problem to the degree they don't
also inspire everyone to do the same and not settle for less. Enough us start
to do so, with or without them, and we'll get our country back! If we don't,
we wont, it's all that tragically simple!

- Shane