View Full Version : I need some Ron Paul

10-05-2007, 10:51 PM
Say WHAT?! say word

10-05-2007, 11:01 PM


10-05-2007, 11:01 PM
Ron Paul 2008 dot com

10-05-2007, 11:06 PM
everybodys fake we got once chance Ron Paul
So you better bump this song like im paul wall

10-05-2007, 11:07 PM
Here is some Ron Paul for your enjoyment:

http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr090402.htm (Arguments against a War in Iraq, Sep 4, 2002)

First, there is a practical reason to oppose a war in Iraq. Our military now has been weakened over the last decade, and when we go into Iraq we will clearly dilute our ability to defend our country. We do not enhance our national defense by initiating this war. Besides, it is impractical because of unintended consequences which none of us know about. We do not know exactly how long this will last. It could be a six-day war, a six-month war, or six years or even longer.
There is a military reason for not going to war. We ought to listen to the generals and other military experts, including Colin Powell, Brent Scowcroft, Anthony Zinni, and Norman Schwarzkopf, who are now advising us NOT to go to war. Some have even cautioned against the possibility of starting World War III. They understand that our troops have been spread too thin around the world, and it is dangerous from a purely military standpoint to go to war today.

There are even good political reasons for not initiating this conflict. War is not popular. It may seem popular in the short run, when there appears to be an immediate victory and everyone is gloating, but war is not popular. People get killed, and body bags end up coming back. War is very unpopular, and it is not the politically smart thing to do.
(Gor’s comment. And finally a punch line)

Finally, there is a compelling moral argument against war in Iraq. Military force is justified only in self-defense; naked aggression is the province of dictators and rogue states.

http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr092402.htm (can we afford this war? Sep 24, 2002)

Oil prices are over $31 a barrel, and predictions are that they can easily go up another $15 to $20 if international tensions grow.

No credible evidence has been produced that Iraq has or is close to having nuclear weapons. No evidence exists to show that Iraq harbors al Qaeda terrorists. Quite to the contrary, experts on this region recognize Hussein as an enemy of the al Qaeda and a foe to Islamic fundamentalism. Many other nations pose much greater threats to world peace. Yet no one is clamoring for war against them. Saddam Hussein is now weaker than ever.

Our national debt is over $6 trillion and is increasing by nearly half a trillion dollars a year. Since Social Security funds are all placed in the general revenues and spent and all funds are fungible, honest accounting, of which there has been a shortage lately, dictates that a $200 billion war must jeopardize Social Security funding. This is something the American people deserve to know.

http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr091002.htm (Questions that won’t be asked about Iraq)

1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because we knew they could retaliate?
2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq now because we know it cannot retaliate- which just confirms that there is no real threat?

20. Did former President Bush not cite the UN Resolution of 1990 as the reason he could not march into Baghdad, while supporters of a new attack assert that it is the very reason we can march into Baghdad?

28. Why is it that those who never wore a uniform and are confident that they won’t have to personally fight this war are more anxious for this war than our generals

10-05-2007, 11:08 PM
man I already have that stuff mesmerized

Steve Hunt
10-05-2007, 11:11 PM