View Full Version : What the “I’m Mad-as-Hell” Third Party Could Do

01-24-2010, 08:08 AM
A third political party is emerging in America. Call it the I’m-Mad-As-Hell party.

It’s a mistake to see the Mad-As-Hell party as just a right-wing phenomenon – the so-called Tea Partiers now storming the gates of the Republican Party. There are plenty of mad-as-hellers on the left as well – furious at Wall Street, health insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and establishment Democrats.

Mad-as-hellers don’t trust big government. But they don’t trust big business and Wall Street, either. They especially hate it when big government gets together with big business and Wall Street – while at the same time Main Street is in shambles and millions of people are losing their jobs and homes.

First it was TARP, the giant bank bailout that seems to have made Wall Street flush again — so flush the Street is now distributing giant bonuses as if the crash it brought on never happened.


MN Patriot
01-24-2010, 08:21 AM
If you aren't yet a member: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/

Right now the intention is to try and reform the Republican Party. If that proves to be impossible, then we should create our own party and put the Republicans out of business.

The members and leadership of the CFL need to push the libertarian agenda this election, 2010. Then re-assess the likelihood of the Republican Party being a Libertarian-Constitutionalist-Republican Party in 2012. If 2010 proves to be a failure, go the third party route and make Republicans irrelevant.

Caucuses are coming up, get active.

01-24-2010, 08:38 AM
If you aren't yet a member: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/

Right now the intention is to try and reform the Republican Party. If that proves to be impossible, then we should create our own party and put the Republicans out of business.

The members and leadership of the CFL need to push the libertarian agenda this election, 2010. Then re-assess the likelihood of the Republican Party being a Libertarian-Constitutionalist-Republican Party in 2012. If 2010 proves to be a failure, go the third party route and make Republicans irrelevant.

Caucuses are coming up, get active.
Thanks for re-affirming that. It couldn't be more obvious no matter what Debbie Hopper says to the contrary.

01-24-2010, 09:23 AM

If you aren't yet a member: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/

Right now the intention is to try and reform the Republican Party. If that proves to be impossible, then we should create our own party and put the Republicans out of business.

The members and leadership of the CFL need to push the libertarian agenda this election, 2010. Then re-assess the likelihood of the Republican Party being a Libertarian-Constitutionalist-Republican Party in 2012. If 2010 proves to be a failure, go the third party route and make Republicans irrelevant.

Caucuses are coming up, get active.


01-24-2010, 09:27 AM
Then re-assess the likelihood of the Republican Party being a Libertarian-Constitutionalist-Republican Party

But if we take back the party we can restore it back to true conservatives and get rid of the neocon tyrants

01-24-2010, 09:28 AM
How do you restore something back to what it never was?
The GOP started as a neocon party with the fascist lincoln.

01-24-2010, 09:35 AM
How do you restore something back to what it never was?
The GOP started as a neocon party with the fascist lincoln.

Pick whatever party you want to, Chaos. The reality is that for the time being we have political parties and it is also the case that for the time being, only the Dem and Repub. parties get in the debates. So, if you want to be heard, or have anyone really know you are running, you need to be running your candidacy in one of those 2 parties.

The Republican party has been very weak, largely because of the havoc the neocons wrecked. So, to me, it makes sense to use that party as a tool in reinstating our Republic. But, yeah, you're right the Republican party started out bad, but at least at one time they believed in the Constitution, limited government, private property and all the rest. So when someone says to restore it, I think that's what they're talking about.

But, we're going to have to get rid of more than just the neocons; there are also the Rockefeller-Republicans that take a different tack, but are every bit as much globalists as the neocons. Largely, these are the people at the top of the party. The everyday people, however, I have great hopes that many will come around. Some already are.

01-24-2010, 09:36 AM
The Tea Party movement and other like minded associations of free citizens should adopt a very clear and concise platform based on the restoration of individual freedom in this nation and the return of all states' right so far un-consitutionally usurped by USA incorporated.

They should then state, using every media means available, that they will back every non-incumbent (regardless of party) who supports these specific platform objectives in the next house election cycle. With some very deliberate focus and commitment, the entire government might be restored to the people with the next election.

I also think a bold platform item would remind citizens that we are a self-governed nation. Something like a major proposal to move the nations capital from DC to a central location in the US along with a reduction in Federal departments and agencies by 50%, and a constitutional convention which would once and for all ensure that the philosophy of individual freedom be forever embedded into who we are as a people.

The current DC could be turned into a museum area where we reflect upon how our system was on the verge of complete collapse, but WE the people were able to take control and transform our government back to its rightful place.

01-24-2010, 10:59 AM
The Tea Party movement and other like minded associations of free citizens should adopt a very clear and concise platform based on the restoration of individual freedom in this nation and the return of all states' right so far un-consitutionally usurped by USA incorporated.

They should then state, using every media means available, that they will back every non-incumbent (regardless of party) who supports these specific platform objectives in the next house election cycle. With some very deliberate focus and commitment, the entire government might be restored to the people with the next election.

I also think a bold platform item would remind citizens that we are a self-governed nation. Something like a major proposal to move the nations capital from DC to a central location in the US along with a reduction in Federal departments and agencies by 50%, and a constitutional convention which would once and for all ensure that the philosophy of individual freedom be forever embedded into who we are as a people.

The current DC could be turned into a museum area where we reflect upon how our system was on the verge of complete collapse, but WE the people were able to take control and transform our government back to its rightful place.

April 15th 2010 should be interesting for the Tea Party protesters/coverage/etc. You have to get the message out to the protesters that GOVERNMENT created and controls the dichotomy of the 2 party duopoly. One on One... groups, banners, signs, speeches

It needs to be exposed and the only effective way it to use the media and the Tea Parties to OUR advantage. That means, organizing, meeting, preparing, and executing.

Remember at ANY protest/MSM coverage, the little signs are hardly ever read on TV... but, put it on huge signs and banners and it can't be avoided/missed.

It's time to educate the people of the Fascist state... AND get visibility @ mostly the MSM expense.

Nancy Pelosi is learning the hard way of the Tea party protesters: "We Call it Astroturf" or "Calls Townhall Protesters Nazis"

Sometimes the Narcissistic Sociopaths can destroy their one movement even when they have the power.

The Patriot
01-24-2010, 11:54 AM
How about this as a platform?

A right-wing populist program, then, must concentrate on dismantling the crucial existing areas of State and elite rule, and on liberating the average American from the most flagrant and oppressive features of that rule. In short:

l. Slash Taxes. All taxes, sales, business, property, etc., but especially the most oppressive politically and personally: the income tax. We must work toward repeal of the income tax and abolition of the IRS.

2. Slash Welfare. Get rid of underclass rule by abolishing the welfare system, or, short of abolition, severely cutting and restricting it.

3. Abolish Racial or Group Privileges. Abolish affirmative action, set aside racial quotas, etc., and point out that the root of such quotas is the entire "civil rights" structure, which tramples on the property rights of every American.

4. Take Back the Streets: Crush Criminals. And by this I mean, of course, not "white collar criminals" or "inside traders" but violent street criminals – robbers, muggers, rapists, murderers. Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment, subject of course to liability when they are in error.

5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the Bums. Again: unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society.

6. Abolish the Fed; Attack the Banksters. Money and banking are recondite issues. But the realities can be made vivid: the Fed is an organized cartel of banksters, who are creating inflation, ripping off the public, destroying the savings of the average American. The hundreds of billions of taxpayer handouts to S&L banksters will be chicken-feed compared to the coming collapse of the commercial banks.

7. America First. A key point, and not meant to be seventh in priority. The American economy is not only in recession; it is stagnating. The average family is worse off now than it was two decades ago. Come home America. Stop supporting bums abroad. Stop all foreign aid, which is aid to banksters and their bonds and their export industries. Stop gloabaloney, and let's solve our problems at home.

8. Defend Family Values. Which means, get the State out of the family, and replace State control with parental control. In the long run, this means ending public schools, and replacing them with private schools. But we must realize that voucher and even tax credit schemes are not, despite Milton Friedman, transitional demands on the path to privatized education; instead, they will make matters worse by fastening government control more totally upon the private schools. Within the sound alternative is decentralization, and back to local, community neighborhood control of the schools.

Further: We must reject once and for all the left-libertarian view that all government-operated resources must be cesspools. We must try, short of ultimate privatization, to operate government facilities in a manner most conducive to a business, or to neighborhood control. But that means: that the public schools must allow prayer, and we must abandon the absurd left-atheist interpretation of the First Amendment that "establishment of religion" means not allowing prayer in public schools, or a creche in a schoolyard or a public square at Christmas. We must return to common sense, and original intent, in constitutional interpretation.

So far: every one of these right-wing populist programs is totally consistent with a hard-core libertarian position. But all real-world politics is coalition politics, and there are other areas where libertarians might well compromise with their paleo or traditionalist or other partners in a populist coalition. For example, on family values, take such vexed problems as pornography, prostitution, or abortion. Here, pro-legalization and pro-choice libertarians should be willing to compromise on a decentralist stance; that is, to end the tyranny of the federal courts, and to leave these problems up to states and better yet, localities and neighborhoods, that is, to "community standards."


MN Patriot
01-24-2010, 12:17 PM
How do you restore something back to what it never was?
The GOP started as a neocon party with the fascist lincoln.

Maybe "restore"wasn't the right word. How about CONVERT?

01-24-2010, 12:31 PM
How about this as a platform?

A right-wing populist program, then, must concentrate on dismantling the crucial existing areas of State and elite rule, and on liberating the average American from the most flagrant and oppressive features of that rule. In short:

l. Slash Taxes. All taxes, sales, business, property, etc., but especially the most oppressive politically and personally: the income tax. We must work toward repeal of the income tax and abolition of the IRS.

2. Slash Welfare. Get rid of underclass rule by abolishing the welfare system, or, short of abolition, severely cutting and restricting it.

3. Abolish Racial or Group Privileges. Abolish affirmative action, set aside racial quotas, etc., and point out that the root of such quotas is the entire "civil rights" structure, which tramples on the property rights of every American.

4. Take Back the Streets: Crush Criminals. And by this I mean, of course, not "white collar criminals" or "inside traders" but violent street criminals – robbers, muggers, rapists, murderers. Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment, subject of course to liability when they are in error.

5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the Bums. Again: unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society.

6. Abolish the Fed; Attack the Banksters. Money and banking are recondite issues. But the realities can be made vivid: the Fed is an organized cartel of banksters, who are creating inflation, ripping off the public, destroying the savings of the average American. The hundreds of billions of taxpayer handouts to S&L banksters will be chicken-feed compared to the coming collapse of the commercial banks.

7. America First. A key point, and not meant to be seventh in priority. The American economy is not only in recession; it is stagnating. The average family is worse off now than it was two decades ago. Come home America. Stop supporting bums abroad. Stop all foreign aid, which is aid to banksters and their bonds and their export industries. Stop gloabaloney, and let's solve our problems at home.

8. Defend Family Values. Which means, get the State out of the family, and replace State control with parental control. In the long run, this means ending public schools, and replacing them with private schools. But we must realize that voucher and even tax credit schemes are not, despite Milton Friedman, transitional demands on the path to privatized education; instead, they will make matters worse by fastening government control more totally upon the private schools. Within the sound alternative is decentralization, and back to local, community neighborhood control of the schools.

Further: We must reject once and for all the left-libertarian view that all government-operated resources must be cesspools. We must try, short of ultimate privatization, to operate government facilities in a manner most conducive to a business, or to neighborhood control. But that means: that the public schools must allow prayer, and we must abandon the absurd left-atheist interpretation of the First Amendment that "establishment of religion" means not allowing prayer in public schools, or a creche in a schoolyard or a public square at Christmas. We must return to common sense, and original intent, in constitutional interpretation.

So far: every one of these right-wing populist programs is totally consistent with a hard-core libertarian position. But all real-world politics is coalition politics, and there are other areas where libertarians might well compromise with their paleo or traditionalist or other partners in a populist coalition. For example, on family values, take such vexed problems as pornography, prostitution, or abortion. Here, pro-legalization and pro-choice libertarians should be willing to compromise on a decentralist stance; that is, to end the tyranny of the federal courts, and to leave these problems up to states and better yet, localities and neighborhoods, that is, to "community standards."


Now that's one scary assed statement and this in not coming from a cop hater.

01-24-2010, 02:44 PM
We need to push hard to get 3rd party in the debates and on all ballets. I'd like to see a 3rd party run-off ahead of the primaries and that one candidate gets to compete with full amenities, sort of like a wild card team in sports.
I don't know why this couldn't work.

Working Poor
01-24-2010, 04:01 PM
How about this as a platform?

A right-wing populist program, then, must concentrate on dismantling the crucial existing areas of State and elite rule, and on liberating the average American from the most flagrant and oppressive features of that rule. In short:

l. Slash Taxes. All taxes, sales, business, property, etc., but especially the most oppressive politically and personally: the income tax. We must work toward repeal of the income tax and abolition of the IRS.

2. Slash Welfare. Get rid of underclass rule by abolishing the welfare system, or, short of abolition, severely cutting and restricting it.

3. Abolish Racial or Group Privileges. Abolish affirmative action, set aside racial quotas, etc., and point out that the root of such quotas is the entire "civil rights" structure, which tramples on the property rights of every American.

4. Take Back the Streets: Crush Criminals. And by this I mean, of course, not "white collar criminals" or "inside traders" but violent street criminals – robbers, muggers, rapists, murderers. Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment, subject of course to liability when they are in error.

5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the Bums. Again: unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society.

6. Abolish the Fed; Attack the Banksters. Money and banking are recondite issues. But the realities can be made vivid: the Fed is an organized cartel of banksters, who are creating inflation, ripping off the public, destroying the savings of the average American. The hundreds of billions of taxpayer handouts to S&L banksters will be chicken-feed compared to the coming collapse of the commercial banks.

7. America First. A key point, and not meant to be seventh in priority. The American economy is not only in recession; it is stagnating. The average family is worse off now than it was two decades ago. Come home America. Stop supporting bums abroad. Stop all foreign aid, which is aid to banksters and their bonds and their export industries. Stop gloabaloney, and let's solve our problems at home.

8. Defend Family Values. Which means, get the State out of the family, and replace State control with parental control. In the long run, this means ending public schools, and replacing them with private schools. But we must realize that voucher and even tax credit schemes are not, despite Milton Friedman, transitional demands on the path to privatized education; instead, they will make matters worse by fastening government control more totally upon the private schools. Within the sound alternative is decentralization, and back to local, community neighborhood control of the schools.

Further: We must reject once and for all the left-libertarian view that all government-operated resources must be cesspools. We must try, short of ultimate privatization, to operate government facilities in a manner most conducive to a business, or to neighborhood control. But that means: that the public schools must allow prayer, and we must abandon the absurd left-atheist interpretation of the First Amendment that "establishment of religion" means not allowing prayer in public schools, or a creche in a schoolyard or a public square at Christmas. We must return to common sense, and original intent, in constitutional interpretation.

So far: every one of these right-wing populist programs is totally consistent with a hard-core libertarian position. But all real-world politics is coalition politics, and there are other areas where libertarians might well compromise with their paleo or traditionalist or other partners in a populist coalition. For example, on family values, take such vexed problems as pornography, prostitution, or abortion. Here, pro-legalization and pro-choice libertarians should be willing to compromise on a decentralist stance; that is, to end the tyranny of the federal courts, and to leave these problems up to states and better yet, localities and neighborhoods, that is, to "community standards."


This would never win the next election just so you know there are a lot of patriots living on the street now. You can't just end welfare. If you are lucky enough to not have lost your job and everything you own that is good but a lot of people are living low to the ground and if a party does not have sympathy for that at this time they would never get elected...

End the fucking war that is costing trillions a year and end the IRS. Stop paying for insurance that would knock a hole in the economy:)

01-24-2010, 04:44 PM
Thanks for re-affirming that. It couldn't be more obvious no matter what Debbie Hopper says to the contrary.

Reforming or saving the GOP may be the CFL objective, but the goal of the liberty movement should be to convert the entire establishment, including BOTH major parties, the media, and increasing the influence of third parties.

01-24-2010, 04:52 PM
The third party is the Tea Party. You can see the intellectuals and pundits crowning it and trying to dissect it. It is official.

01-24-2010, 04:54 PM
If you aren't yet a member: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/

Right now the intention is to try and reform the Republican Party. If that proves to be impossible, then we should create our own party and put the Republicans out of business.

The members and leadership of the CFL need to push the libertarian agenda this election, 2010. Then re-assess the likelihood of the Republican Party being a Libertarian-Constitutionalist-Republican Party in 2012. If 2010 proves to be a failure, go the third party route and make Republicans irrelevant.

Caucuses are coming up, get active.Dear Minnesota Patriot, what is the "it", past which it is evident that the Republican Party reform is impossible? Where is that line in the sand?