View Full Version : HopeForHaiti, etc. - Where does the money go?

01-22-2010, 08:48 PM
Hey, does anyone know the best way to actually help out without lining the globalists' pockets, the US government's pockets, the Haitian government's pockets, etc.?

I heard a rumor that Haitian survivors were only getting 7 cents on the dollar for one of the major charities, or something to that effect. I'm a cynical person, so this doesn't surprise me one bit, but I'm hoping this isn't the case for everything, and I'd like to help out.

The Hollywood celebs, political celebs (Clinton ;)), CIA celebs (Anderson Cooper), etc. have a "Hope For Haiti" telethon thing tonight requesting donations. Does anyone know where the money goes for this or how to find out?

01-22-2010, 09:26 PM
It goes to the UN Food Programme, and then of course they will steal it all, and use it to build their American/UN colony, completely neglecting the people and building up their puppet gov't infrastructure/control grid/Military base. Of course they'll toss a few bread crumbs here and there. Lets hope they do better than they did in New Orleans (BTW, how is that "rebuilding" turing out? What happened to the billions we raised for that cause???)

I'd rather give $ to local charities in NO than send it to some UN world gov't programme looking to build an fuedalistic empire, that's for sure.

The Patriot
01-22-2010, 10:19 PM

It goes to the UN Food Programme, and then of course they will steal it all, and use it to build their American/UN colony, completely neglecting the people and building up their puppet gov't infrastructure/control grid/Military base. Of course they'll toss a few bread crumbs here and there. Lets hope they do better than they did in New Orleans (BTW, how is that "rebuilding" turing out? What happened to the billions we raised for that cause???)

I'd rather give $ to local charities in NO than send it to some UN world gov't programme looking to build an fuedalistic empire, that's for sure.

And the funny thing is they will get the congressional black caucus to rally behind it like the puppets they are.

01-22-2010, 10:30 PM
If you want to help:
