View Full Version : The greatest servants are converted tyrants.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
01-04-2010, 11:57 AM
Tyranny will always be smarter than the masses they prostitute. It isn't just that they will be smarter, mind you, but they will also have an advantage in free time. Add to this the benefit of "air conditioned" thinking, piped in cool air, while the unfortunate outside have to endure the extreme heat and the bitter cold.
The result creates ragged out people or what some call "sheeple." These people simply don't have the education, the time or the luxury to think logically like those manning the tyranny over them.
What makes our Founding Fathers unique is how they altered only slightly the long established social contract theory between the government and its people. They did not change it radically; but, they showed their reverence for the past in The Declaration of Independence by narrowing down to a self evident and unalienable Truth (all other nations are based on political science).