View Full Version : Good News on the Nullification Front

12-30-2009, 02:07 PM
There is new nullification news here in my home state of Tennessee, and it is really good news.

Recently, State Representative Susan Lynn spoke on the matter during Mike Church’s radio show (transcript here). While there she let it be known that the Tenth Amendment is alive and well in the volunteer state.

When asked what could be done to fight against the unconstitutional healthcare bill’s possible final passage, Lynn replied, “Well, I wrote a letter to our attorney general, asking him to please prepare to take any appropriate legal action against the federal government in case the healthcare bill passes. And this is because this is clearly a violation of equal protection. But more than that, it’s an affront to our state sovereignty.”

Later on when asked if there were nullification plans in the works for this “affront to state sovereignty,” Rep. Lynn replied, “Yeah, it’s my understanding that a nullification bill is going to be filed in Tennessee.”

There you have it. Some in Tennessee do intend to fight the proposed healthcare reform bill if it goes into law through nullification. Hopefully, this fight will bring the principle of nullification back into the public eye, and we are able to show how the principle is constitutional, beneficial, and just, perhaps we can begin to turn back an out-of-control federal government and reestablish constitutional rule.

If you are interested in the concept of nullification, please check out my recent article on the issue.

Editor’s Note: Please visit our new Tennessee Tenth Amendment Center
web: http://tennessee.tenthamendmentcenter.com
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